
儿童重症监护领域国外护理研究热点的聚类分析 被引量:2

Cluster analysis on research focus of foreign research on pediatric intensive care
摘要 目的从文献分析角度把握国外儿童重症监护领域主要研究内容,了解该领域研究现状及发展趋势,为国内同行的研究提供借鉴。方法采用双向聚类的文献分析方法,通过检索PubMed数据库近3年收录的儿童重症监护领域护理研究方面的文献,并采用信息分析可视化方法揭示学科研究热点。结果 2014年3月1日至2017年3月31日国际儿童重症监护领域护理研究热点主要集中在8个方面,分别为儿童意外烫伤护理、医院感染在重症监护病房的防控、围生期胎儿健康监护、危重症患儿的营养支持、重症监护病房患儿及家长的心理护理、儿童危重症疾病对心肺脑重要器官的损伤、先天性心脏病围术期监护、呼吸系统疾病的护理。结论国外儿童重症监护领域研究成熟,研究方向呈现多元化发展,我国应加强在儿童监护领域的临床研究,以期进一步提升危重患儿的生存率。 Objective To analyze the main research content of foreign pediatric intensive care according to bibliometric,study the present status of research and development trend to provide reference for domestic research.Method Analyze the articles on pediatric intensive care included in PubMed from Mar.2014 to Mar.2017 by bidirectional clustering of literature analysis method.Find out the research focus by information visualization.Result Research focus of international pediatric intensive care from Mar.2014 to Mar.2017 is in 8 aspects,which are nursing care on accidental scald injuries of children,nosocomial infection prevention in ICU,health monitoring in perinatal period,nutritional support of critical children,psychological nursing on children in ICU and their parents,injury from pediatric critical diseases on important organs such as heart,lung and brain,perioperative monitoring of congenital heart disease and nursing care on respiratory diseases.Conclusion Research on pediatric intensive care in foreign countries in recent 3 years is mature and diversified.Clinical research on pediatric intensive care in our country should be improved to increase the survival rate of critical children.
作者 傅藏藏 诸纪华 唐晓敏 Fu Cangcang;Zhu Jihua;Tang Xiaomin(The Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310006,China)
出处 《护理与康复》 2019年第1期14-18,共5页 Journal of Nursing and Rehabilitation
关键词 儿科重症监护 研究热点 文献计量 双向聚类 pediatric intensive care research focus bibliometric bidirectional clustering
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