7Hepburn, Ronald W.,“Wonder” and Other Essays: Eight Studies in Aesthetics and Neighbouring Fields,Ed-inburgh: University Press, 1984,pp.12-13, pp.13-14,pp.14-15, p.l6.
8Meeker, Joseph W, “Notes Toward an Ecological Esthetic”,Canadian Fiction Magazine, Vol. 2,1972, nr 6,pp. 4-15.
9Meeker, Joseph W., “Ecological Aesthetics”, The Comedy of Survival: Studies in Literary Ecology, New York: CharlesScribner^ Sons, 1972, pp.l 19-136.Sons, 1972, p. 120,p.125,p. 129, p.131,p.136.
10Carlson, Allen and Barry Sadler, eds., Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation, Victoria, B.C.: University ofVictoria, 1982, p.iv.