
润滑油湿法过滤性试验影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Influence Factors on Wet Filtration Test of Lubricating Oil
摘要 通过对润滑油湿法过滤性试验过程进行分析,找出影响试验结果的主要因素。在8个影响因素中,水质、气压、操作时点击"开始"的速度、烘箱中瓶盖的松紧度、搅拌时间、油品清洁度6个因素对试验结果影响不大,而滤膜烘干的程度和滤膜的正反向安装对试验结果影响较大。"热"膜较"冷"膜数据偏小,滤膜反装较正装数据偏小,尤其是对湿法阶段Ⅱ过滤性的影响。 The main factors affecting the wet filtration test results of lubricating oil were found through the analysis of the test process.Among eight influence factors,water quality,air pressure,speed of clicking "start" during operation,tightness of bottle cap in oven,stirring time and cleanliness of oil have little influence on the test results,while the drying degree of filter film and the positive and negative installation of filter film have great influence on the test results.The data of "hot" membrane is smaller than that of "cold" membrane,and the data of reverse filter installation is smaller than that of positive installation,especially in the stage II of wet filtration.
作者 郭国进 喻宏 Guo Guojin;Yu Hong
出处 《石油工业技术监督》 2018年第12期32-34,共3页 Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry
关键词 润滑油 湿法过滤性 滤膜 lubricating oil wet filtration filter membrane
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