
IDC业务资源调度系统架构与实施 被引量:1

IDC Business Resource Scheduling System Architecture and Implementation
摘要 随着当前网络和通信技术的发展,人类进入IDC业务资源快速发展阶段a。业务管理信息化将公司和客户的各种资料进行的全覆盖管理,成为资料管理业务流程管理信息化的重要技术方式,其中IDC是日常管理形式之一,全称为互联网信息管理中心。 With the development of current network and communication technologies, humans have entered the rapid development stage of IDC business resources. Business management informationization The full coverage management of various data of the company and customers has become an important technical method for data management business process management informationization. IDC is one of the daily management forms, which is called Internet Information Management Center.
作者 戢桂华 QI Gui-hua(Fujian Post and Telecommunications Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou Fujian 350001)
出处 《数字技术与应用》 2018年第11期38-39,共2页 Digital Technology & Application
关键词 ID业务资源 调度系统 框架实施 ID service resources scheduling system framework implementation
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