
朝核问题与结构实力 被引量:1

Structural Power:North Korea's Nuclear Issue and Its Implications
摘要 朝核问题在进入2018年之后似乎取得了突破性进展,而这个在一年前还随时会爆发武装冲突的地区也趋于平静,中国与美国两个相关大国都对朝鲜展现出了缓和的姿态。然而从理论层面观察,对东北亚地区局势而言,朝鲜作为无论从软硬实力哪一方面来说都属于占绝对下风的小国,之所以能实现这一结果,主要是因为它把握住了结构实力杠杆的"支点",从而成为撬动中美两个世界大国的"主导者"。文章认为,朝鲜之所以在历史上能够多次实现以小博大的胜利并在当代持续撬动中美,是因为它站在了东北亚和大国博弈这个大权力结构的支点上,而这一"支点"则具体表现为大国各种需求的不一致。 China and the United States have shown an easing attitude toward North Korea after entering 2018.However,from a theoretical perspective,North Korea,as a small country with absolute weakness in both soft and hard power,can achieve this result,mainly because it always stands on the “fulcrum” of the structural power’s leverage,and has thus become the dominant role in levering the two superpowers of China and the United States.This article argues that the reason why North Korea has been able to stage many “moving earth” victories over the past years and continuing to lever China and the United States under the contemporary circumstance,is that it again stands on the fulcrum of the power leverage in Northeast Asia by utilizing the asymmetric “needs-resources” structure among superpowers.
作者 辜学武 柯小俊 GU Xue-wu;KE Xiao-jun(Center for Global Studies,University of Bonn,Bonn 53113,Germany)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期38-47,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 结构实力 朝鲜 以小博大 状况属性 杠杆力属性 structural power North Korea leverage contextual attribute lever attribute
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