
大展弦比飞行器伺服气弹模态下传感器布局 被引量:2

Optimal sensor placement for aeroservoelastic analysis of high-aspect-ratio flexible aircraft
摘要 针对大展弦比弹性飞行器传感器位置对伺服气动弹性的影响,在现有传感器设置方法的基础上,提出了一种新的优化设计准则。证明了能观测Gramian矩阵的迹代表弹性振动能量,并引入椭圆容积作为特征值的几何平均值,给出了高效的简化计算方法;通过H_2范数分析各阶模态以及传感器的权重影响,既平衡了低阶模态的主导特性又防止了高阶模态的溢出。在考虑弹身弯曲、弹翼弯曲与扭转的情况下对几种传感器的设置准则进行评估,仿真表明所提出的最优指标能够精确高效地设置传感器位置,也能充分反映各阶模态的影响权重,适合飞行全程传感器的位置优化,具有很强的工程应用价值。 An advanced criterion of optimal sensor placement was proposed for aeroservoelastic analysis of high-aspect-ratio flexible aircraft based on classical sensor placement index. The trace of observability Gramian matrix was proved to be the vibration energy,and the dimension of the ellipsoid was introduced as the geometric mean of eigenvalues,a high efficient simplified method was given as a computational approach.Different modes and sensors placement influences on the system were evaluated though the properties of H2 norm in connection with system impulse response,a balance between the low and the high frequency modes was achieved to guarantee the dominant of low order vibration and avoid overflow. Considering the bending moment of the body,the bend and torsion of the wings,the different sensor placement indexes were evaluated.Results shows that the sensor placement can be set accurately and effectively,while different modes can also be fully weighted and reflected by the proposed criterion. This method can be used as an optimal tool to set the sensor placement through the whole flight track and it has a great value in engineering application.
作者 杨伟奇 杨惠 YANG Weiqi;YANG Hui(School of Astronautics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi′an 710072,China;College of Computer,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China)
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期38-43,共6页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61702538) 国防科技大学科研基金资助项目(ZK17-03-53)
关键词 大展弦比 伺服气动弹性 传感器设置 能观测Gramian H2范数 high-aspect-ratio aeroservoelastic sensor placement observability Gramian H2 norm
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