

Discussion on Operation and Maintenance of 110 kV Substation in New Situation
摘要 随着我国社会建设稳步发展,在新形势下社会各界对电力需求量与日剧增。文中对110kV变电站运行维护进行了科学探究,以期为推动我国电力行业稳步发展,提供行之有效的理论参考依据。 With the steady development of social construction in our country,the demand and daily increase of electricity in various sectors of the society under the new situation are increasing rapidly.Through the 110 kV substation operation and maintenance of scientific research,with a view to promoting the steady development of China’s power industry,to provide effective theoretical reference.
作者 申明成 Shen Ming-cheng
出处 《电力系统装备》 2018年第4期113-114,共2页 Electric Power System Equipment
关键词 110kV 变电站 运行维护 110 kV substation operation and maintenance
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