
异同与得失:《世说》与刘孝标《世说注》新论 被引量:1

The New Accounts of the Tales of the World and Liu Xiaobiao's Notes to The New Accounts of the Tales of the World
摘要 《世说》分类逐条、精简记述魏晋名士的佳言趣事,《世说注》则是对它的补充注释,前者意在风流鉴赏,后者则考证其真实性,可见二者有好尚与体类之异。研读《世说注》1880条注释,其重点在集史传以叙身世,备异闻兼究虚实,间或解释字词与典故,可见刘孝标的作注意图,重在《世说》真人逸事的史传相关性与传闻可信度。故《世说注》与裴松之《三国志注》为近,而与汉儒训诂文辞音义、训释名物制度之传统相背远。《世说》采缀近代名贤相传佳话,旨在彰显风范,而又不避习语,口吻酷肖,刘注以注史体例注志人小说,着意备异征实,而轻忽字词训释,在增强《世说》史学征信力的同时,也部分背离了原著的好尚立意与秉笔倾向,并由此带来顾此失彼、反客为主与凭空发难的注书缺失。 The New Accounts of the Tales of the World classified well-tuned sentences item by item and recorded briefly anecdotes of famous characters in Wei and Jin Dynasty while Notes to the New Accounts of the Tales of the World was a supplement and annotation of the former.The former was the appreciation and comments of those interesting stories when the latter paid attention to the authenticity of these anecdotes.In total,there are 1180 annotations in Notes to the New Accounts of the Tales of the World,the emphasis of which were the introduction of life stories of those outstanding figures,the supplement of relative records,which were used to verify their facticity,and a small number of explanations for vocabulary.Therefore,the intention of Liu Xiaobiao’s notes was to examine the reliability of these anecdotes.Liu’s method was the imitation of Annotations to Records of the Three Kingdoms by Pei Songzhi and different from the note books in Han Dynasty,which stressed more on the explanations of words.The New Accounts of the Tales of the World recorded dialogues more with spoken language while Notes to the New Accounts of the Tales of the World noted fictions with the same way which was often used to annotate historical books that emphasized the truth and reduced the explanations of complicated words.On the one hand,this method did ensure the credibility of The New Accounts of the Tales of the World,on the other hand,it also deviated from the initial purpose and style of writing in the original book,so it also brought the shortcoming of losing the trees for the forest,a guest supplanting the host and launching an attack without foundation.
作者 王澧华 WANG Lihua
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期39-49,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 上海高校高峰学科建设 资助中国语言文学
关键词 世说新语 世说注 异同 得失 The New Accounts of the Tales of the World Notes to the New Accounts of the Tales of the World difference and similarity gain and loss
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