
目标设置对不道德行为的影响研究:来自实验与实证的证据 被引量:2

The influence of goal setting on individual unethical behavior:Evidence from experimental and empirical studies
摘要 由于目标设置能够激发个体的动机,引导个体的行为,有利于组织目标的实现,目标设置理论已得到管理者的广泛认可。然而,在强调目标设置的积极作用时,大部分研究者或实践者却忽略了目标设置可能存在的某些负面影响。鉴于此,在研究1中,实验操作人员招募了59名ACCA专业的同级大学生,利用实验研究法,对目标设置中的目标难度的负面性进行了深入探索,结果发现目标难度越高,个体产生的不道德行为越多,反之则越低。在研究2中,我们采用多阶段问卷调研的方式,对组织目标设置与员工不道德行为之间关系进行了更加全面的、系统的研究,结果显示:(1)目标难度和目标具体化分别与员工不道德行为之间具有显著正相关关系,而员工参与设置目标的程度(目标参与度)与员工不道德行为之间具有显著负相关关系;(2)员工道德脱离完全中介了目标难度/目标参与度和员工不道德行为之间的关系,具体地讲,目标难度通过激发员工道德脱离来增加其不道德行为,目标参与度通过降低员工道德脱离来减少其不道德行为。上述研究结果对于管理者如何合理有效地进行组织目标设置具有潜在的指导意义和应用价值。 Because goal setting can stimulate individual’s internal motivation,many managers begin to recognize the importance of guiding individual’s behavior,and contributing to the achievement of organizational goals.When emphasizing the positive influences of goal setting,most researchers or practitioners to some extent ignore its possible negative impacts.In view of this,this research tries to explore the potential mechanism of the relationship between goal setting and employee’s unethical behavior.In the first part,the research analyzes why it is necessary and important to examine goal setting’s influence on employee unethical behavior.With the rapid development of economy,organizations and employees strive to pursue performance goals,such as innovation performance,relationship performance,learning performance and so on.However,in the process of setting and achieving goals,they are more likely to ignore moral norms,thus fueling unethical behavior.Given that unethical behavior has become a common phenomenon in organizations,practitioners attempt to reduce employee’s unethical behavior by improving leader behavior,organizatonal culture and individual’s moral cognitive ability.In fact,most of previous studies ignored the following questions:Does goal setting have great impact on employee’s unethcial behavior?Whether the organization can avoid or reduce the generation of employee’s unethical behavior by improving goal setting?Therefore,it is vital to explore the potential mechanism of the goal-setting employee’s unethical behaviors.In the second part,based on the review of goal-setting theory,this research provides a detailed explanation for the goal-setting unethical behavior relationship from the perspective of resource limitation theory and the characteristics of goal-setting dimensions.We propose hypotheses.Hypothesis 1a is that goal difficulty is positively related to employee unethical behavior.Hypothesis 1b is that goal specificity is positively related to employee unethical behavior.Hypothesis 1c is that participating in setting goals is negatively related to employee unethical behavior.Hypothesis 2a is that employee moral disengagement mediates the positive relationship between goal difficulty and employee unethical behavior.Hypothesis 2b is that employee moral disengagement mediates the positive relationship between goal specificity and employee unethical behavior.Hypothesis 2c is that employee’s moral disengagement mediates the negative relationship between participation in setting goals and employee’s unethical behavior.Finally,we give a complete theoretical framework.In the third part,to ensure the accuracy of our findings,this research tests the theoretical framework mentioned above by using the combination of experimental and empirical studies.In Study 1,59 ACCA professional undergraduate students were recruited to participate in an experiemnt.This experiment explored whether goal difficulty among goal setting theory affects individual unethical behavior in the research.The experimental results show that the mean unethical behavior in the difficult target group is significantly higher than that in the general target group.Moreover,the proportion of individuals who conduct unethical behaviors in the difficult target group is significantly higher than that in the general target group.In short,goal difficulty affects individual unethical behavior.Namely,the higher the goal difficulty,the higher the probability that individuals conduct unethical behavior is.Conversely,the lower the goal difficulty the lower the probability is.Furthermore,in Study 2,we adopt the multi-stage survey and collect data from 128 employees in order to comprehensively and systematically study the relationship between goal setting and employees’unethical behavior.The results show that:(1)The difficulty and specificity of goal have significantly positive influence on employees’unethical behavior,whereas participation in setting goals has significantly negative influence on employees’unethical behavior.(2)Employees’moral disengagement completely mediates the relationship betwwen goal difficulty/goal specificity and employees’unethical behavior.Specifically,goal difficulty has significantly positive influence on employees’unethical behavior by stimulating employees’moral disengagement,whereas participating in setting goals has significantly negative influence on employees’unethical behavior by reducing employees’moral disengagement.In the fourth part,we analyze the theoretical significance of this study.Above all,based on a new theoretical perspective of resource limitation theory,we explain how goal setting influences employee’s unethical behavior.This,to some extent,extends the theoretical study about the goal setting-unethical behavior relationship.In addition,drawing on this theory,the research further reveals the“black box”(i.e.,potential mechanism)of the goal-setting unethical behavior relationship--employee moral disengagement,thus extending the theoretical study about the potential mechanism of this relationship.Our findings also illustrate that goal setting woul have negative impact on organizations.Target management system,to a certain extent,may be problematic or imperfect.This plays important guiding roles in how to set a more reasonable goal.In summary,the research has potential significance and practical values for leaders to reasonably and effectively conduct goal setting.
作者 卢俊婷 张喆 马晓婷 LU Jun-ting;ZHANG Zhe;MA Xiao-ting(School of Management,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049 China;Key Lab of the Ministry of Education for Process Control & Efficiency Engineering,Xi’an 710049,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期112-121,共10页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71672139) 陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(18920004) 陕西高校人文社会科学青年英才支持计划
关键词 目标难度 目标具体化 目标参与度 道德脱离 不道德行为 Goal difficulty Goal specificity Participation in setting goals Moral disengagement Unethical behavior
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