
自贸区与教育服务贸易发展:国内与国际经验 被引量:1

Free Trade Zones and Education Service Trade Development:Domestic and International Experience
摘要 中国教育服务贸易地区发展不平衡,教育服务贸易方式单一,留学生人数、生均年消费总额等逆差较大。国家对新时代的教育开放工作进行重点部署,明确提出要进一步扩大教育开放,通过"引进来""走出去"提高中国教育的国际化水平和影响力。国内第一、第二批自贸区通过更加开放的政策与平台发展教育服务贸易已经取得了一定效果,新加坡、美国、澳大利亚等主要教育发达国家的自贸区在教育服务贸易发展中的作用明显。我国第三批(内陆地区)自贸区应借鉴国内外其他自贸区在教育开放和教育服务贸易方面的经验,在制度与政策法规、教育服务错位发展、自贸区与高校紧密对接等方面解决实践中存在的阻碍教育服务开放和教育服务贸易深入发展的部分问题。 There is an unbalanced development of education service trade between regions of China with a single mode and a large deficit in the total number of international students and the annual consumption of each student. China has made key arrangements for the opening of education in the new era,and clearly proposed to further expand the opening of education,and improve the internationalization and influence of education in China through "introduction "and"going out". The education service trade has made some achievements in the domestic free trade zones settled in 2013 and 2014 through more open policies and platforms. The free trade zones of major countries with advanced education,such as Singapore,the United States and Australia,have played a significant role in the development of education service trade. Therefore,the inland free trade zones which were settled in 2017 should borrow experience from home and abroad in the opening of education and education service trade of free trade zones,so as to overcome the barriers to opening education service and further developing education service trade through systems,policies and regulations,dislocation development of education services,close connection between free trade zones and universities and so on.
作者 刘俊霞 LIU Junxia(Business School,Xi'an FanYi University,Xi'an 710105,China)
出处 《福建商学院学报》 2018年第6期77-82,共6页 Journal of Fujian Business University
基金 陕西省社科联重大理论与现实问题研究项目(2018C071)
关键词 陕西自贸区 教育服务贸易 一带一路 Shaanxi Free Trade Zone education service trade "the Belt and Road"
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