
面向区域创新的科技信息服务模式研究 被引量:2

Research on Scientific And Technological Information Service Mode Oriented To Regiona Innovation
摘要 当前,科技创新已经成为时代发展中的一项重要任务,很多地区在发展的过程中,也十分重视科技创新环节。创新驱动发展战略已经得到了广泛的应用,其对优化工作思路,改善科技创新的环境和氛围,有着非常积极的作用。 At present,scientific and technological innovation has become an important task in the development of the times,and many regions also attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation in the process of development.Nowadays,innovation-driven development strategy has been widely used,which has a very positive effect on optimizing work ideas,improving the environment and atmosphere of scientific and technological innovation.
作者 蒋劲松 苗蕾 刘廿明 JIANG Jin-song;MIAO Lei;LIU Nian-ming(Hunan Provincial Institute of Science and Technology Information,Changsha,Hunan 410001,China)
出处 《企业技术开发》 2018年第11期110-113,共4页 Technological Development of Enterprise
关键词 科技创新 创新驱动发展 应用 工作思路 Technological innovation Innovation driven development Application Work idea
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