
儿童康复临床实习中使用ICF-CY指导下CBL+PBL双轨教学模式的应用 被引量:6

The Application of CBL+PBL Dual-track Teaching Model under the ICF-CY was Used in the Clinical Practice of Pediatric Rehabilitation
摘要 目的:比较《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(儿童和青少年版)(international classification of functioning,disability and health:children and youth version,ICF-CY)框架指导下的以案例为基础学习(Case-based Learning,CBL)教学方法+以问题为基础学习(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)的教学方法与传统的讲授式教学方法(Lecture-Based Learning,LBL)在儿童康复科临床实习教学中的应用效果。方法:将实习同学随机分为实验组和对照组,分别按照计划进行教学,实习结束进行闭卷考试进行教学效果比较,同时结合问卷调查了解学生对新教学模式的适应性。结果:实验组理论成绩及操作成绩结果明显优于对照组,实验组对新教学模式呈现良好的适应性,有利于学生对儿童康复专科知识的掌握。结论:在儿童康复科临床实习中运用ICF-CY下CBL+PBL方法进行教学,有利于提高学生的主动意识及对理论知识和临床操作的掌握。 Objective:to compare the application effect under the guidance of international classification of function,disability and health(children and adolescents edition)(ICF-CY) framework,case-based Learning(CBL)teaching method + Problem-based Learning(PBL) teaching method and teaching with traditional teaching method(section-based Learning,LBL) in clinical practice rehabilitation teaching.Methods:the students were randomly divided into experimental group and the control group,respectively according to the teaching plan,training session to request for the test(theory result + operation result),and compared the teaching effect and adaptation students was conducted in the experimental group compared to the new teaching mode.Results:the experimental group theory achievement,and the result of the operation was better than control group,experimental group show good adaptability to new teaching mode,is conducive to students mastery of children rehabilitation specialist knowledge.Conclusion:in the clinical practice rehabilitation teaching,apply CBL + PBL method under ICF-CY,to improve the students’ initiative consciousness and grasp of the theoretical knowledge and clinical operation.
作者 陈玉霞 贾光素 黄琴蓉 肖农 李邦惠 CHEN Yu-xia;JIA Guang-su;HUANG Qi-rong;XIAO Nong;LI Bang-hui(Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing 400014,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2019年第2期172-174,共3页 Education And Teaching Forum
关键词 国际功能、残疾和健康分类 以案例为基础学习 以问题为基础学习 儿童康复医学 international classification of function disability and health case-based learning problem-based learning child rehabilitation medicine
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