

On the Logical Process of the View of Time and Space——from Heraclitus to Leibniz
摘要 在时空的研究历程中,哲学家们(从赫拉克利特到莱布尼兹)逐渐形成了追问时空的逻辑路径:亚里士多德统合了赫拉克利特和柏拉图的时空观,第一次系统地提出了时空理论。他认为,时空就是运动及其数目(时间)的统一,且两者均属于"灵魂";据此,奥古斯丁进一步指出,时空就是灵魂中的印象,亦即"意识"。过去的印象是"记忆",而现在的印象是"注意",将来的印象则是"期望";近代以来,合二为一的时空观被打破。牛顿站在"机械的"客观主义立场上将时间和空间划分开来,认为时间和空间是相互独立的,而且时间和空间均分为"绝对的"和"相对的"。与此相反,莱布尼茨则从"关系的"主观主义出发,指出时间和空间都是关于事物关系的秩序,具有"观念性"或"理念性"等特性。 In the course of studying space and time,philosophers( from Heraclitus to Leibniz),gradually formed a logical path to the question of time and space: Aristotle integrated the view of time and space of Heraclitus and Platon,and first systematically put forward the theory of space and time. In his opinion,space and time is the unity of movement and its number( time),and both belong to the " soul"; accordingly,Augustin further points out that time and space is the impression of the soul,that is, " consciousness". The impression of the past is " memory",and the impression of now is " attention",and the impression of the future is " expectation";in modern times,the time and space view of unity is broken. Newton,standing in the " mechanistic" standpoint of objectivism,divides time and space between time and space,and time and space are divided into " absolute" and " relative". On the contrary,Leibniz,from the subjectivism of " relationship",points out that time and space are all about the order of the relationship of things,either " conceptual" or " conceptual".
作者 彭小伟 PENG Xiaowei(Jiaying University,Meizhou,Guangdong 514015)
机构地区 嘉应学院
出处 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2018年第8期8-12,共5页 Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education
基金 2017年广东省高校思政研究会基金项目[2017SZY118]的阶段性成果
关键词 时空 灵魂 意识 主观 客观 Time and space soul consciousness subjective objectivity
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