
嘉兴市故意伤害病例流行特征分析 被引量:3

Epidemiological characteristics of intentional injury in Jiaxing
摘要 目的分析2009—2016年嘉兴市故意伤害病例的流行特征,为预防和控制故意伤害提供依据。方法收集2009—2016年嘉兴市6家伤害监测哨点医院首次就诊的故意伤害病例资料,对病例的性别、年龄以及伤害意图、原因、发生地点、部位和严重程度等进行描述性分析。结果 2009—2016年嘉兴市医院伤害监测系统共报告故意伤害病例8 089例,占所有报告伤害病例237 912例的3.40%。故意伤害病例年龄以15~<65岁为主,7 489例占92.58%。其中暴力伤害6 906例,占85.38%;自杀/自残1 183例,占14.62%。暴力伤害病例以男性居多,男女比为2.54∶1;自杀/自残病例以女性居多,男女比为1∶1.59。暴力伤害病例以钝器伤为主,5 191例占75.17%;自杀/自残病例以中毒为主,565例占47.76%。暴力伤害主要发生在街道,2 047例占29.64%;自杀/自残主要发生在家庭,977例占82.59%。暴力伤害部位以头部为主,4 614例占66.81%;自杀/自残部位以消化系统为主,372例占31.45%。暴力伤害病例死亡8例,占0.12%;自杀/自残病例死亡17例,占1.44%。结论故意伤害病例以中青年人群为主;男性以暴力伤害为主,女性以自杀/自残为主。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of intentional injury cases in Jiaxing from 2009 to 2016,and to provide basis for prevention and control of intentional injury.Methods Data from the injury surveillance hospitals in Jiaxing from 2009 to 2016 were collected to learn the distribution and trend of gender,age,injury intention,cause,occurrence place,injured body parts and severity in intentional injury cases.Results There were 8 089 cases of intentional injury reported by injury surveillance hospitals in Jiaxing from 2009 to 2016,accounting for 3.40% of all injury cases reported(237912).A total of 7489 cases aged between 15 to 64 years old,accounting for 92.58%.There were 6906 cases of violence and 1183 cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury,accounting for 85.38% and 14.62%,respectively.The male-female ratio in the cases of violence was 2.54∶1,while the one in the cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury was 1∶1.59.The cases of violence was mainly caused by blunt instruments,accounting for 75.17%(5191 cases),while the cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury was mainly caused by poisoning,accounting for 47.76%(565 cases).The cases of violence mainly occurred in streets,accounting for 29.64%(2047 cases),while the cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury mainly occurred at home,accounting for 82.59%(977 cases).Head was the main injured parts in the cases of violence,accounting for 66.81%(4614 cases),while digestive system was the main injured parts in the cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury,accounting for 31.45%(372 cases).About 0.12% of cases of the violence and 1.44% of cases of suicide or self-inflicted injury caused to death.Conclusion Intentional injury cases in Jiaxing were mainly young or middle aged people.Violence was a common intention of injury in males and suicide or self-inflicted injury was a common intention of injury in females.
作者 顾伟玲 李雪琴 马骏 陈文燕 GU Wei-ling;LI Xue-qin;MA Jun;CHEN Wen-yan(Jiaxing Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jiaxing,Zhejiang 314050,China)
出处 《预防医学》 2019年第2期128-131,共4页 CHINA PREVENTIVE MEDICINE JOURNAL
关键词 故意伤害 暴力 自杀 自残 流行特征 Intentional injury Violence Suicide Self-inflicted injury Epidemiological characteristics
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