
美国贸易协定新范式及对中国的挑战 被引量:1

A New Paradigm of the U.S. Trade Agreement and the Concerning Challenges China Will Confront
摘要 《美国—墨西哥—加拿大协定》(USMCA)是特朗普政府推行的美国贸易新协定。作为美国贸易协定新范式,USMCA不但采取了实用主义的谈判进路,而且涵盖了广泛的内容,其中许多非传统议题尤为引人注目。协定实质上是美国重构国际经贸规则战略意图的再次宣示,也是美国遏制中国的重要战略手段。USMCA的签署将会使中国"走出去"战略遭遇重大阻碍,对中国区域经济一体化战略的实现造成重大影响,令我国国内重点领域的改革变得迫在眉睫,并极有可能使中国面临"重新入世"的挑战。中国应积极利用西方国家之间的矛盾,击破美国的所谓"铁板",阐明市场机会和贸易利益以巩固中国与相关国家的伙伴关系,积极推动世贸组织改革,捍卫多边体制,深化国内改革和扩大对外开放。 The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement(USMCA)is a new U.S.trade agreement introduced by the Trump administration.As a new paradigm of the U.S.agreement,it not only employs a pragmatic approach of negotiation,but also covers a wide range of topics including lots of non-traditional issues that are noteworthy.The agreement in fact can be understood as a declaration of the strategic intention of the U.S.to restructure the international trade regulations,and also as a vital strategic means to keep down China s development.Signing up to the USMCA will bring about significant obstructions to China s Go Out policy,greatly affect the realization of China s RTA strategy,and render extremely urgent China s domestic reforms in key fields.Meanwhile,it is highly possible that China will face the challenge of re-entering the WTO.Therefore,China should break the U.S.s“hard iron”fencing a camp by actively and sagaciously making use of the conflicts among the Western countries.Moreover,China should make it clear the market opportunities and trade benefits in order to strengthen the fellowship and collaborations with other related countries.China should also actively promote the reforms of WTO,defend the multilateral system,deepen and further the domestic reforms,and expand the scope of opening-up.
作者 王俊 Wang Jun
出处 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 CSSCI 2019年第1期12-24,125,共14页 Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"贸易便利化的实现路径与机理分析"(编号:7157318)
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  • 2Krueger, Anne O, "Trade Creation and Trade Diversion under NAFTA", NBER Working Paper 7429, December 1999.
  • 3Mary Burfisher, Sherman Robinson, and Karen Thierfelder, "The Impact of NAFTA on the United States", Journal of E- conomic Perspectives, Volume 15, Number 1, Winter 2001, pp.125--144.
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  • 7美国商务部经济分析局的国际经济账户,http://www.bea.gov/international/index.htm.
  • 8Laura Dawson, "Canada's trade with Mexico.. Where we' ve been, where we're going and why it matters", The Canadian Council of Chief Executives, February 2014, p.9.
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  • 10Congressional Budget Office of the United States, "The Effects of NAFTA on U. S.- Mexican Trade and GDP", A CBO Paper, May 2003, p. xiv.












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