

Discussion about the Methods of Experiment Termination and Sampling in COD_(Mn) Removal by Powdered Activated Carbon
摘要 针对水库原水粉炭去除COD_(Mn)试验中涉及的试验终止及取样方法等问题进行了探讨。结果显示:粉炭去除COD_(Mn)试验终止及取样方法宜采用GF/F膜抽滤法。GF/F膜需以马弗炉450℃煅烧1 h,抽滤时前30 mL滤液弃去;计算去除率时,以原水COD_(Mn)做本底值,以滤后原水COD_(Mn)与吸附后COD_(Mn)差值作为去除值。 The methods of experiment termination and sampling in CODMn removal by powdered activated carbon (PAC) were discussed. The results showed that membrane filtration by GF/F was appropriate, which must be pretreatmented by muffle furnace at 450℃ for one hour, and then the first 30 mL filtrate would be discarded during the suction process. When the removal rate calculated, CODMn of raw water was as the background value, the difference between CODMn, of raw water and CODMn, after adsorption was as the removal value of CODMn.
作者 王先云 别宏宇 张洁 Wang Xianyun;Bie Hongyu;Zhang Jie(Shanghai National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Reaources Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200082,China)
出处 《净水技术》 CAS 2018年第A02期21-23,共3页 Water Purification Technology
基金 金泽水库藻类及嗅味防控关键技术研究与应用
关键词 粉炭 CODMN 试验终止 取样方法 去除率 PAC CODMn experiment termination sampling method removal rate
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