
农村居民网络消费溢价支付意愿研究 被引量:2

Research on Willingness of Payment at a Premium for Internet Consumption of Rural Residents
摘要 农村居民网络消费溢价支付意愿是国家制定农村消费市场政策的重要参考和依据,从消费者视角深入研究网络渠道购买溢价支付意愿是促进市场发展的关键。运用线索利用理论、感知价值理论,基于我国东部地区五个省份1 184位农村居民的一手调研数据,利用Logistic回归模型分析农村居民网购八种不同类型产品时的溢价支付意愿影响因素发现,我国东部地区进行网购的农村居民其年龄、学历、购买频率均处于较低层次;在不同类型的产品中,感知产品质量、感知网站服务质量、购买成本、感知风险、网络接受度、网购频次、个人特征对溢价支付意愿的影响程度和作用方向存在较大差异;国家提供政策支持的淘宝村在农村居民网络消费方面的示范作用并不显著,这主要表现为农村居民在购买农资、服装、日用百货及虚拟产品等生产生活必需品的过程中,是否为淘宝村对其溢价支付意愿均不存在显著影响。这一研究结论与预期存在差距。因此,为更好地提高农村居民网络消费溢价支付意愿,国家在建立完善产品补贴制度和政策时,应当充分考虑产品属性差异,准确把握农村居民网络消费细分市场,对不同属性的产品采取差异化策略,使扶持政策实现最优化;电商企业应当根据产品类别确定影响消费者溢价支付的关键因素,制定差异化营销策略,提高企业竞争力;农村居民自身应当通过积极参加教育培训及营销推广活动,了解网购流程和优点,提高网络消费接受水平和网络消费溢价支付意愿。 Willingness of payment at a premium for internet consumption of rural residents is an important reference for the state to formulate policies.It is a key issue for the development of market to study the willingness of payment at a premium from the perspective of consumers,which has important practical significance.Based on clue utilization theory and perceived value theory,the authors collected first-hand data of 1184 rural residents in 5 provinces in eastern China.The authors analyze the influencing factors of rural residents'willingness of payment at a premium for eight different types of products by logistic regression model.The research shows that the age,education and purchase frequency of rural residents in eastern China are at a lower level.Among different types of products,there are significant differences in the degree of influence and direction of perceived product quality,perceived website service quality,purchase cost,perceived risk,network acceptance,purchase frequency,and personal characteristics on willingness of payment at a premium.The demonstration role of Taobao Village which is supported by the state in internet consumption is not significant.The main performance is that rural residents in the process of purchasing agricultural materials,clothing,living necessities and virtual products,whether the Taobao Village variables have no significant impact.There is a gap between the analysis results and expectations.To better improve rural residents’willingness of payment at a premium,the state need to fully consider the differences in product when establishes and improves the subsidy system and policies,and optimize the support policies.Enterprises that carry out rural e-commerce should determine the key factors affecting consumer premium payment according to product categories,and develop differentiated marketing strategies to improve their competitiveness.And the rural residents should understand more about the process and advantages of internet purchases,and improve their level of acceptation of online consumption and the willingness of payment at a premium.
作者 李宝库 刘莹 LI Bao-ku;LIU Ying(Liaoning Technical University,Huludao,Liaoning125105,China)
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期101-110,共10页 China Business and Market
基金 国家自然科学基金"农村市场渠道管理效率研究--基于三方博弈的角度"(71172218) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金博导类资助课题"城市化进程中农民市民消费特征和模式研究--基于心理和行为角度"(20122121110005)1969
关键词 农村居民 网购 溢价支付意愿 影响因素 产品类别 rural residents internet purchases willingness of payment at a premium influencing factors product categories
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