
汉族迁入岭南钩沉 被引量:2

Exploring the History of the Han People Immigrating to Lingnan
摘要 崛起于中原的汉族,迁入岭南经历了一个漫长的历史过程。秦代是汉族迁入岭南的开始。两汉之时,大一统中的华夏民族完成了向汉民族的转化。汉族不仅开始了向岭南新一轮的迁入,也开始了与岭南土著族群融合的过程。三国南北朝时期岭南相对安稳和平,中原汉族大量迁入岭南,掀起了汉族迁入岭南的第一个高潮。隋唐之时,汉族迁入岭南以"安史之乱"为界分两个时期,前期以流士为主,后期以流民为主。隋唐汉族大批迁入岭南,推动了岭南汉族的进一步发展,其结果是汉族这个雪球继续滚动,使得已开始汉化的俚人进一步汉化。在宋辽夏金动乱的时代,北方汉族以更大的规模向南方迁移,从宋靖康之乱以后始,又有大批的汉族迁入岭南。迁入岭南的汉族内部发生了深刻的社会文化变迁,即岭南大地滚滚而来的汉族移民,与秦汉至隋唐迁入岭南的汉族汇合,在不同的历史条件、地理环境、迁徙源流、迁入时间以及吸收岭南少数民族土著族群语言文化之不同等情况下,至宋元时初步形成了若干不同的族群,从而基本上构成了岭南汉族族群体系。明清之际,汉族虽然仍有迁入,但已成减弱之势,重要的是已迁入岭南的汉族开始或继续进行第二次迁徙。岭南汉族在第二次迁徙中完成了新的滚动发展,在文化的涵化、互动和认同中,自宋元开始出现的族群认同过程到明清时基本上宣告完成,广府人、客家人、福佬人、桂柳人、平话人等族群都以独特的方言,别具一格的文化特征而屹立于岭南大地。 Rising in central plains,the development of Han people has gone through a very long historic process.From Qin dynasty,the Han people began to immigrate to Lingnan.During Western and Eastern Han dynasties,the united Chinese nation has finished its conversion to Han people.Under such background,Han people not only started a new round immigration to Lingnan,but also syncretized with indigenous peoples in Lingnan.During the period of Three Kingdoms and Northern and Southern dynasties,the social environment in Lingnan was stable and peaceful so that Han people from central China immigrated to Lingnan in a large number,which brought a climax in the immigration of Han people to Lingnan.In Sui and Tang dynasties,such immigration could be divided into two phrases by“An Shi Rebellion”.The first phrase gave priority to soil flowing and the second to people flowing.The large number of immigrations in Sui and Tang dynasties gave impetus to the development of Han people in Lingnan.As a result,Han people unceasingly snowballed which led the Li people to gradually assimilate with Han people.Later,in the troublous Song,Liao,Xia,Jin dynasties,Han people of northern areas immigrated to the southern areas in a larger number.After Jingkang Rebellion of Song dynasty,an unparalleled scale of immigration appeared in Chinese history,with large amounts of Han people moving to Lingnan.Then,the amount of Han people who immigrated to Lingnan was still dominant feature in Song and Yuan dynasties,but deep social culture changes took place in the Han people who had immigrated to Lingnan,that is,the Han immigrants gradually joined in the Han people who immigrated from Qin and Han dynasties to Sui and Tang dynasties.Because of different historic and geographical conditions,different origin and time of immigration,and different resources of language and culture from indigenous peoples,divers ethnic groups took their preliminary shape till Song and Yuan dynasties,which constituted the basic system about ethnic groups in Lingnan.Subsequently in Ming and Qing dynasties,Han people still immigrated to Lingnan,however,the situation had already weakened.What’s more important,the Han people who had immigrated to Lingnan began or continued to their second immigrations.Han peole in Lingnan finished its development in such second immigration.During the process of the acculturation,interaction and identification,the ethnic identity starting in Song and Yuan dynasties mainly finished in Ming and Qing dynasties.Ethnic groups like Cantonese people,Hakkas,Hoklo,Guiliu people and Pinghua people stood firmly in Lingnan with its unique dialects and culture.
作者 徐杰舜 何月华 XU Jieshun;HE Yuehua
出处 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第1期71-86,共16页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"岭南民族源流史"(05XM2015)
关键词 汉族 岭南汉族 迁入 岭南 Han people Han people in Lingnan immigrate Lingnan
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