
乡村森林旅游项目规划中哲学元素运用的个案分析——以宜春市月都花溪谷项目为例 被引量:2

Case Analysis of the Application of Philosophical Elements in Planning Rural Forest Tourism Projects: Take “The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project” in Yichun City as an Example
摘要 以江西省宜春市"月都花溪谷"乡村森林旅游项目规划中哲学元素的应用为个案,结合哲学理论进行分析。结果表明:乡村森林旅游项目规划应有哲学的自觉,根据项目所在地自然和人文资源禀赋,因地制宜地吸收哲学元素,从而打破乡村森林旅游项目同质化和见物不见人的困局,赋予乡村森林旅游项目以特色和灵魂。因此,提出突破森林旅游项目规划中一元化的经济思维定势、以哲学思维唤起人学意义、因地制宜激发内生式哲学文化活性等启发性建议。 ⑴Background--Many rural forest tourism projects still show serious homogenization,insufficient connotation mining,and lack of factors enriching the perception and experience of tourists.The primary reason is the purpose of planning rural tourism is economic benefits and the philosophical consciousness is weak.Therefore,there is a lack of understanding of rural forest tourism activities and rural tourism planning from the deep philosophical level of human communication,epistemology and axiology.Under this background,it is undoubtedly of academic and practical significance to try to study rural forest tourism planning from the perspective of philosophical epistemology,axiology and methodology.⑵Methods--The analysis path of this paper is“Document research-Presenting research questions-Case Analysis-Drawing conclusions”.Literature research method and case analysis method are adopted in this paper.Through literature research,we can find the existing related research focuses on the perspective of economic growth,including the perspective of ecologically sustainable economic development,while little attention has been paid to the philosophical issue of putting people first.To solve this problem,this paper takes“The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project”as an example to illustrate the application of philosophical elements in planning.⑶Results--The selected case is“The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project”in Yichun City,Jiangxi Province.On the basis of making full use of local forest and other ecological resources as well as local cultural resources,the project fully utilizes philosophical elements and upgrades the project style.“The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project”embodies the philosophical dimension from three aspects:First,the project expresses the natural philosophy of“harmony between man and nature”,and embodies the harmony between man s subjective emotion and the external world.Secondly,it embodies the behavioral philosophy of static and dynamic adaptation,which is the behavioral wisdom of Chinese,and is related to the philosophical categories of Yin and Yang,rigidity and flexibility.Third,philosophy on Buddhist mood of human life is expressed in the project.Culture is the core competitiveness of tourism while philosophy is the core of culture,so tourism project planning should have cultural,especially philosophical factors.In the planning process of“The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project”,philosophical elements are consciously used to highlight the style of the project and the purpose of the project,which can provide inspiration for other rural forest tourism projects and rural tourism project planning.Philosophy is the theory of world outlook,values and methodology and the fundamental problem of philosophy is the relationship between thought and existence,spirit and matter.From the planning of“The Moon is in the Huaxi Valley Project”,we can think about how the objective world planned by the rural forest tourism project conforms to the subjective world of human beings.This is precisely a question of philosophical research,and also the touchstone for testing whether the project is successful or not.⑷Conclusions and Discussions--First of all,we can use philosophical methodology and philosophical thinking mode to break the one-dimensional thinking mode of economic theory,so as to avoid the homogenization of forest tourism and rural tourism projects.Secondly,through philosophical thinking,the planning project arouses the significance of human.Through humanistic philosophy,the project replaces the doctrine of economic interests with the principle of“human being is the primary yardstick of the world”.Thirdly,we should adapt to local conditions and absorb local culture,especially philosophical elements,in order to solve the problem of homogenization in rural forest tourism planning and achieve differentiated competition.
作者 李永安 LI Yongan(College of Economics and Management,Yichun University,Yichun,Jiangxi 336000 China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2019年第1期91-97,共7页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 江西省社科规划项目(17DQ19) 国家自然科学基金项目(71463059)
关键词 乡村森林旅游 项目规划与设计 哲学自觉 案例分析 rural forest tourism project planning and design philosophical consciousness case analysis
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