
工作记忆容量对软件操作技能教学视频自主学习效果和认知负荷的影响研究 被引量:4

Research on the Effect of Working Memory Capacity on Self-learning Achievement and Cognitive Load of the Instructional Video of Software Operation Skills
摘要 为检验工作记忆容量对软件操作技能教学视频自主学习效果和认知负荷的影响,文章采用3-back工作范式测验工作记忆容量,从114名大学生被试中筛选出工作记忆容量最高的24名被试和工作记忆容量最低的20名被试作为研究对象,要求他们观看一段关于制作Power Point幻灯片的教学视频,随后测量被试的自主学习效果和认知负荷。研究结果表明:较高的工作记忆容量对被试学习软件操作技能教学视频的自主学习效果和内、外在认知负荷均会产生积极影响,但对相关认知负荷的影响不明显。此研究结论丰富了工作记忆容量对教学视频自主学习效果影响的研究成果、验证了认知负荷理论的相关观点,可为教学视频或在线学习平台的开发、教学视频的学习提供理论参考。 In order to examine the effect of working memory capacity on self-learning achievement and cognitive load of the instructional video of software operation skills,a 3-back working paradigm was used to test the working memory capacity.Meanwhile,24 participants who had the highest working memory and 20 participants who had the lowest working memory were selected from 114 college students.The sectioned subjects were then arranged to watch an instructional video on how to make PowerPoint slides,and further their self-learning achievement and cognitive load were measured.The results indicated that the relatively high working memory capacity had a positive impact on the subjects’self-learning achievement,internal and external cognitive load of learning the instructional video of software operation skills,while its effect on the relevant cognitive load was not significant.The results of this paper enriched the theory of how working memory capacity influencing the self-learning achievement of instructional videos,verified related viewpoints of cognitive load theory,and provided theoretical reference for the design of instructional videos or online learning platforms,as well as video-based learning.
作者 汪存友 王军 李玲静 WANG Cun-you;WANG Jun;LI Ling-jing(School of Communication,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi,China 041000;School of Education Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi,China 041000)
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期52-58,共7页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 2018年度山西省高等学校哲学社会科学研究一般项目"均衡发展背景下中小学校长信息化领导力指数研究"(项目编号:20180305) 山西师范大学2018年度教学改革项目"对接与重构:混合式教学模式下大学课程学业评价改革的理论与实践"(项目编号:2018JGXM-02)资助
关键词 教学视频 软件操作技能 工作记忆容量 自主学习 instructional video software operation skill working memory capacity self-learning
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