
探讨风险护理在乳腺癌患者保乳改良根治手术护理中的应用 被引量:4

Application of Risk Nursing in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy
摘要 目的探讨风险护理在乳腺癌患者保乳改良根治手术护理中的应用。方法选取2015年6月—2017年6月我院收治的乳腺癌患者28例作为研究对象,将其随机分为两组。对照组应用常规护理,研究组应用风险护理。手术结束后,通过问卷调查法记录较两组患者术后的生活质量、抑郁程度和对手术护理的满意程度,并采用SPSS 19.0软件对所得数据进行统计分析。结果研究组患者的生活质量评分、抑郁自评量表得分均优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P <0.05);研究组患者对护理服务的满意程度高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论风险护理在乳腺癌患者保乳改良根治手术护理中的应用效果理想,可以显著改善患者生活质量。 Objective To explore the application of risk nursing in breast cancer patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy.Methods 28 cases of patients with breast cancer admitted to our hospital from June 2015 to June 2017 were randomly divided into two groups.The control group received routine nursing.Risk nursing was applied in the study group.After the operation,the quality of life,the degree of depression and the degree of satisfaction with surgical nursing of the two groups were recorded by questionnaires.SPSS 19.0 software was used to analyze the data.Results The scores of quality of life and self-rating depression scale in the study group were better than those in the control group,with statistical significance(P<0.05).The satisfaction degree of nursing service in the study group was higher than that in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The effect of risk nursing in breast cancer patients treated with modified radical mastectomy is satisfactory.
作者 张巍 王环宇 ZHANG Wei;WANG Huanyu(Department of Breast Surgery,The First Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang Liaoning 110000,China;Operation Room,The First Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang Liaoning 110000,China)
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2019年第3期194-196,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 风险护理 乳腺癌 保乳手术 手术护理 临床应用 效果观察 risk nursing breast cancer breast conserving operation surgical nursing clinical application effect observation
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