目的探讨产前超声对先天性十二指肠梗阻(congenital duodenal obstruction,CDO)的临床价值。方法收集51例经本院产前超声检查并行手术治疗的CDO病例,根据出生孕周分为早产儿组(21例)和足月儿组(30例),比较两组的一般情况、疾病类别、产前超声表现和手术情况。结果 CDO患儿早产率为42.1%,远高于正常人群。早产儿组的羊水过多发生率及羊水指数均高于足月儿组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。扩张的十二指肠上段主要为十二指肠降部。结论通过产前超声监测羊水情况、定位梗阻部位、发现合并其他畸形,提前发现与评估CDO患儿,为其下一步的治疗提供依据。
Objective To explore the clinical value of prenatal ultrasound in congenital duodenal obstruction.Method 51 cases of CDO diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound and confirmed by surgery in our hospital were collected and divided into the preterm infants group(21 cases)and full-term infants group(30 cases)according to the gestational week of birth.Results The premature birth rate of CDO was 42.1%,which was much higher than the normal population.The incidence of amniotic excess and amniotic fluid index of premature infants were higher than that of full-term infants,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The dilate upper duodenal segment was mainly the descending duodenum.Conclusions Use prenatal ultrasound to monitor amniotic fluid,locate the obstruction site,detect other malformations,which could identify and evaluate CDO,providing the basis for the next treatment.
Chinese Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis(Electronic Version)
prenatal ultrasound
congenital duodenal obstruction
clinical value