From 1920 s to 1940 s, Zhou Zuoren had continuous communication with Korean intelligentsia. He payed most attention to Korean literature. He learned Korean language, gave high evaluation to Korean artistic value, supported Korean independence movement and appreciated Korean cultural identity. Korean writers also communicated with Zhou Zuoren frequently, payed attention to his literal activities and opinions and introduced him to Korean people. Sometimes,they evaluated his works. The most outstanding one was Chung Lae-Dong, who studied in Peking University in 1920 s and1930s. He published Zhou Zuoren and Chinese New Literature in September or October in 1934. This essay was written after his reading to all works of Zhou Zuoren. He evaluated and introduced Zhou Zuoren systematically and generally.Chung Lae-Dong gave high evaluation to Zhou Zuoren ’s literal activities and opinions before he gave himself up to the Japanese imperialist. Thanks to Chung Lae-Dong’s essay, Korean readers began to know Zhou Zuoren as representative Chinese modern writer. Chung Lae-Dong’s evaluation and his research carried out simultaneously. He ended up his study in Beijing in May,1934 and went back to Korea. At that time, he may know controversy about Zhou Zuoren’s Wu Shi Zi Shou Shi. Chung Lae-Dong, who preferred anarchism theory of literature and art and had critical attitude to Marxism,agreed with Zhou Zuoren’s opinion. Moreover, realities as decline of proletariat literature movement in Korea also promoted Chung Lae-Dong’s attention to Zhou Zuoren’s literal activities and opinions. Zhou Zuoren and Chinese New Literature included Zhou Zuoren’s life literature attitude, express aspiration literature attitude, literature creation characteristics and achievements, abundant reading cultivation, vernacular literature theory centered with contents and expressions, attitudes to criticize national literature and proletariat literature, appreciation to essay as literature style,attention to folk literature and art, comprehensive literary and art criticism attitude. This was really systematical evaluation at that time. Su Xuelin’s Research on Zhou Zuoren was Published in December, 1934. Masuda Wataru’s Discussion on Zhou Zuoren was published in September, 1935. Chung Lae-Dong’s Zhou Zuoren and Chinese New Literature was published in September or October in 1934. Although Chung Lae-Dong didn’t study on Zhou Zuoren in long time continuously, his studied on Zhou Zuoren in earlier time. He was the first one who evaluated Zhou Zuoren systematically in Korea. Therefore, Chung Lae-Dong’ research on Zhou Zuoren is significant in the research history of Zhou Zuoren.
Hong Seok-Pyo;GUI Lihong
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition