
清末民初省与中央关系刍议 被引量:1

Discussion on Relationship between Province and Central Government in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China
摘要 从晚清至民初省与中央的关系看,在省与中央权力的博弈中,往往因特定时势造成省权不断突破原有制度约束而愈来愈膨胀进而形成新的权力运行模式的趋势。整体上看,这种发展轨迹可分为三个阶段:第一阶段是晚清时期,在内外交困、西方地方自治观念冲击及制度转型造成结构松动的历史背景下,使得省权逐步扩张,至辛亥革命前夕省区力量已成尾大不掉之势。清末民初鼎革之变得以形成,省区力量崛起即是重要原因之一。第二个阶段是从民元到袁世凯去世,这一阶段除了我们所熟知的北洋集团与国民党之争外,主要的是北京政府与省区都督分离力量之争,两者虽有交叉,但并不尽同。袁世凯纯以军事手段为后盾更逆潮流帝制自为以为固,激起了各派及各省区大反抗,遂完全丧失其执政合法性而身败名裂。第三阶段为北洋后期即所谓"后袁世凯时代",其主要特点是省区力量成为"历史主角",在省"系"占据中央的同时,省割据、省自治、联省自治相交织,国家实际上陷于严重的省区割据的状态。如何结束割据和战乱状态,实现和平与统一之道,历史选择了中共的反帝反封建和实行国共合作建立统一战线推翻军阀的革命道路。这就是清末民初省与中央关系演变的历史大势及其历史性之破题。 In the relationship between province and central government in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China,provincial power often broke through original system restriction and expanded into new power running mode because of special reasons between competition between province and central government.Over all,this development process can be divided into three periods.In late Qing Dynasty,central government was beset with troubles internally and externally,local self-government was introduced into China,original social structure was instable caused by system transformation.In this historical background,provincial power expanded gradually.Central government’s leadership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant provincial power before the 1911 Revolution.The revolution in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China was partly influenced by the rise of provincial power.The second period is between the 1911 Revolution to the death of Yuan Shikai.In this period,besides the competition between Beiyang Group and Nationalist Party as we all know,the main competition was between Beijing government and provincial separation power.These two competitions overlapped but had difference.Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor based on military force which stirred up the rebellion of different parties and provincial powers.His rule gradually became illegal and he lost all reputation.The third period is during late Beiyang Government,the post-Yuan Shika period.Its main characteristic was that provincial powers dominated the country.Provincial powers invaded central government,set up a separatist regime by force of arms,applied self-government which lead to secession of the country.How to end up secession and wars to realize peace and unification,history chose The Communist Party of China’s revolutionary road which protested against imperialism and feudalism and advocated Kuomintang-Communist cooperation to build up united front and overthrow warlord.This is the exact solution to the relationship between province and central government in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.
作者 翁有为 WENG Youwei
出处 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第1期85-93,159,160,共11页 Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition
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