
太白山锐齿槲栎林乔木更新特征及其影响因子 被引量:22

Regeneration of Arbor Trees and Its Contributing Factors in an Oak Forest in Taibai Mountain, China
摘要 【目的】分析太白山锐齿槲栎林乔木更新特征,探索更新与环境因子的关系,为理解该区森林动态提供理论依据,为经营管理提供理论指导。【方法】2009年7—9月和2010年7—8月在太白山北坡和南坡锐齿槲栎林分别设置21和12块样地,对乔木更新状况及环境因子进行系统调查(2009年7—9月在北坡调查及取样,2010年7—8月在南坡调查及取样),分析更新苗密度、多样性指数和高度级结构等特征参数,探讨更新密度和多样性与环境因子的关系。【结果】共记录到30种乔木更新物种,其中葛萝槭、四川木姜子、锐齿槲栎、白檀、湖北山楂和桦叶荚蒾的重要值均大于20%,其重要值之和占所有更新物种重要值总和的69.31%,为最重要更新物种;总更新密度为9 697株·hm^(-2),主要集中于幼苗(H<1.3 m)阶段,约为幼树(1.3 m≤H<3 m)密度的3倍;更新密度随高度级呈倒"J"型分布;锐齿槲栎缺失高度为210~300 cm的更新苗,在林下不能形成完整的更新大小序列;不同样地间更新密度和多样性指数(物种丰富度、Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数)差异较大,表明更新苗分布不均匀,趋向斑块状;多元线性逐步回归分析结果显示,坡向、土壤全P含量、坡度和有机质含量是影响总更新密度的主要环境因子,共解释了总变异的73.2%;更新多样性主要受全P含量和坡向的影响。【结论】太白山锐齿槲栎林乔木更新种类丰富,整体上具有一定更新能力,但作为建群种的锐齿槲栎在林下不能完成自然更新,因此,在森林管理中可适当考虑人为地创造一定的开阔环境(如林窗)来促进其更新,同时对该林型的管理还应注重坡向、全P含量、坡度和有机质含量对更新的影响,较凉爽湿润坡向、坡度平缓、土壤全P和有机质含量低的生境利于乔木更新。 【Objective】The characteristics of regeneration of arbor trees in Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata forest in Taibai Mountain were studied to explore the relationship between regeneration and environmental factors,in order to provide a theoretical basis for understanding forest dynamics and forest management in this region.【Method】The status of regeneration and environmental factors of the Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata forest in Taibai Mountain were systematically investigated by setting up 21 and 12 sample plots on the south and north slopes,respectively from July to September 2009 and July to August 2010.The collected data were used to determine the regeneration density,diversity index,height-class structure,and the relationship between the regeneration and environmental factors using Excel2003 and SPSS17.0 software.【Result】A total of 30 tree species with regeneration were recorded,in which Acer grosseri,Litsea moupinensis var.szechuanica,Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata,Symplocos paniculata,Crataegus hupehensis,and Viburnum betulifolium were the most important regeneration species.For each species,the importance value(IV)was more than 20%,and the IVs of six species accounted for 69.31%of the sum IVs of all regeneration species.The total regeneration density was 9 696.97 individual·hm-2 and mainly concentrated at the seedling stage.The regeneration density in seedlings(H<1.3 m)was nearly 3 times of that in saplings(1.3 m≤H<3 m).Further analysis showed that the regeneration density was an inverse J-shape distribution with height-class.Regenerated saplings of Q.aliena var.acuteserrata with a height of 210-300 cm were not found in the forest,implying a failure to regenerate because that couldn’t form a complete sequence of regeneration sizes in the understory.There were significant differences among different plots in regeneration densities and diversity indices(including species richness,Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index),indicating that the distribution of regeneration was uneven,and tended to be patchy.Multivariate linear stepwise regression analysis showed that the main environmental variables influencing the total regeneration density were slope direction,total P content,slope gradient and organic matter content,which explained 73.2%of the total variation.Total P content and slope direction were the main environmental variables affecting regeneration diversity.【Conclusion】There were abundant regenerated tree species in the Q.aliena var.acuteserrata forest in Taibai Mountain,indicating certain regeneration ability.However,Q.aliena var.acuteserrata as the most dominant species couldn’t complete natural regeneration in the understory,therefore,in forest management,creating open habitats(such as gaps in the forest)to promote regeneration,meanwhile,attention should also be paid to the effects of slope direction,total P content,slope gradient and organic matter content on regeneration,the habitat with the cooler wet slope,gentle slope,low soil P and organic matter content is conducive to the regeneration of arbor trees.
作者 任学敏 朱雅 陈兆进 丁传雨 李玉英 杨改河 Ren Xuemin;Zhu Ya;Chen Zhaojin;Ding Chuanyu;Li Yuying;Yang Gaihe(College of Agricultural Engineering,Nanyang Normal University,Key Laboratory of Ecological Security for Water Source Region of Mid-Line Project of South-to-North Diversion Project of Henan Province,Henan Collaborative Innovation Center of Water Security for Water Source Region of Mid-Line Project of South to North Diversion Project Nanyang 473061;Library,Nanyang Normal University Nanyang 473061;College of Agronomy,Northwest Agriculture&Forestry University Yangling 712100)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期11-21,共11页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31401307) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(14A210014) 南阳师范学院博士科研启动基金项目(ZX2014067) 河南省科技厅项目(142102310210) 国家科技基础性工作专项重点项目(2007FY110800)
关键词 锐齿槲栎林 环境因子 物种多样性 更新特征 太白山 Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata forest environmental factors species diversity regeneration characteristics Taibai Mountain
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