

Study on the Development Environment and Countermeasures of Anhui Traditional Foreign-Oriented Enterprises Entering Cross-border E-Commerce in the “Internet+ ” Environment
摘要 安徽省的传统外贸企业要想实现持续盈利和发展,必须在跨境电商行业中寻找新的出路。跨境电商具有小批量、碎片化、高频次的特点,交易流程较传统外贸更加简便,交易成本降低,具有巨大发展潜力。在国家和地方政府的大力支持下,近年来安徽省跨境电商得到了大力发展。皖企要想分得跨境电商一杯羹,需要转变思想观念,树立品牌化战略。 In order to achieve sustained profitability and development,traditional foreign trade companies in Anhui must find a new way in the cross-border e-commerce industry.With the characteristics of small quantities,fragmentation and high frequency,the cross-border e-commerce has great potential for development because the transaction process is more convenient than traditional foreign trade and transaction costs are reduced.Supported by the national and local governments,the cross-border e-commerce in Anhui has developed vigorously in recent years.Enterprises in Anhui must change their thinking and establish a brand strategy so as to obtain a share of this industry.
作者 喻凤 YU Feng
出处 《安徽职业技术学院学报》 2018年第4期22-24,共3页 Journal of Anhui Vocational & Technical College
基金 2016年安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目"安徽省外向型中小企业双向跨境‘E贸易’模式研究"(SK2016A004) 2016年安徽省高等学校省级质量工程"产教一体化创客实验室"(2016ckjh010)阶段性成果
关键词 “互联网+” 跨境电商 外向型企业 发展环境 对策研究 Internet+ cross-border e-commerce export-oriented enterprises development environment countermeasures research
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