

Research on the Current Situation and Development of Higher Vocational Education in China under the Circumstances of Popularization of Higher Education
摘要 根据马丁·特罗对高等教育三个阶段的区分,我国高等教育已进入由大众阶段飞速迈向普及阶段的进程。在高等教育普及化情境下,高等职业教育面临形势日益严峻,学校竞争激烈、适龄生源下降、培训教育体系纵横衔接困难、上升渠道不畅、结合市场不够紧密、专业设置与建设情况窘迫。高职教育要着力从三个方面开展:一是科学规划,紧跟市场,通过专业动态调整、加强培训等措施,增强高职教育的社会吸引力;二是聚焦国际,拓展市场,通过"引进来""送出去""招进来""走出去"等项目推进高等职业教育的国际化进程;三是通过构建高等职业与社会的互动合作机制,挖掘潜力,打造市场,以提升高职教育在整个高等教育领域中的地位。 According to Martin Trow's distinction among the three stages of higher education,China's higher education has entered the process of moving from the mass stage to the popular stage.In the context of the popularization of higher education,higher vocational education faces an increasingly serious situation:the school is fiercely competitive,the number of school age students are declining,the training and education system is difficult to connect,the channel is not smooth,the market is not tight enough,and the professional setting and construction are distressed.Higher vocational education should focus on three aspects:first,scientific planning and keeping up with the market,strengthening the social attractiveness of higher vocational education through professional dynamic adjustment and strengthening training;second,promoting the internationalization of higher vocational education and expanding the market with international spotlight through the projects such as"coming out""sending out""inviting in"and"going out".third,upgrading higher vocational education in the entire field of higher education by developing potential and building an interactive and cooperative mechanism between higher occupations and society.
作者 周海英 ZHOU Hai-ying(Institute of Higher Vocational Education,Changzhou College of Information Technology,Changzhou213164,China)
出处 《职教通讯》 2018年第22期53-56,共4页 Communication of Vocational Education
关键词 高等职业教育 发展路径 高等教育普及化 higher vocational education development path popularization of higher education
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