
基于导向滤波与迭代反向投影的遥感影像超分辨率重建 被引量:1

Super Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Image Based on Improved Iterative Back Projection Algorithm
摘要 针对单帧遥感影像采取迭代反投影方法进行超分辨率重建时,重建图像的强边缘存在锯齿效应,在分析了导向滤波算法原理后,本文提出了一种将上述算法引入迭代过程来处理图像误差的方法,以进一步提升图像的高频信息,提高图像的重建质量。选取同时间不同地物的遥感影像作为实验数据,实验结果表明,本文重建的结果与双三次插值方法、边缘导向插值方法和迭代反投影方法相比,在客观评价指标上均有提高,改善了重建影像的纹理细节。本文提出的超分辨率重建方法,可以使重建影像提供更多的高频信息,具有较好的稳定性和鲁棒性。 For a single frame of remote sensing image by projection iterative method for super-resolution reconstruction,the strong edge of the reconstructed image are affected by the saw tooth effect.After analysising the guided filtering algorithm principle,we put forward a kind of the algorithm is introduced into the iterative process to deal with the image error,to further enhance the high frequency information of image,improve the quality of image reconstruction.At the same time to the selected remote sensing images of different objects as the experimental data,the experimental results show that the reconstruction results with three interpolation methods,compared the edge directed interpolation method and iterative back projection method,improves the objective evaluation index,improve the reconstructed image texture details.The super-resolution reconstruction method proposed in this paper can provide more high frequency information for reconstructed images,and has better stability and robustness.
作者 郭桐宇 GUO Tongyu(School of Geomatics,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China)
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2019年第1期195-197,205,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
关键词 迭代反投影 导向滤波 超分辨率重建 iterative back projection guided filter super resolution reconstruction
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