
龚自知云南边疆教育激励政策的主要内容及其效果 被引量:1

Main Content and Effect of Gong Zizhi's Incentive Policy on Yunnan Frontier Education
摘要 1929~1945年龚自知任云南省教育厅厅长期间,云南省教育厅出台了一系列边疆教育激励政策,鼓励云南边疆民族学生接受教育,保障云南边疆学生教育经费,提高云南边疆地区教师收入。这些激励政策取得了较好的效果,云南边疆教育经费充足,边疆民族地区教师队伍不断成长,边疆地区基础教育稳步发展。当然,由于政策本身不够完整、政府和教育部门监督执行力度不够、时局紧张等因素的制约,许多优惠政策并没有落实,加之部分地方教育行政主管人员为了应付省教育厅的检查,强迫边地学生入学,"逃学"和"雇读"现象时有发生,导致云南边疆基础教育激励政策没有达到预期效果。 During Gong Zizhi’s tenure as director of Yunnan Provincial Education Department from 1929 to 1945, Yunnan Provincial Education Department issued a series of frontier educational incentive policies to encourage ethnic students in Yunnan frontiers to receive education to ensure the education funds for the students and raise teacher’s income in Yunnan frontier areas. These incentive policies achieved good results: Yunnan frontier education funds were sufficient, the teachers in the frontier ethnic minority areas growing, and the basic education developing steadily. Many preferential policies, of course, were not implemented because the policies themselves were not complete enough, the supervision and the implementation of the government and the education departments were not strong enough, and the current situation was tense. In addition, in order to cope with the inspection of the provincial education department, some local education administrators forced the students to enroll in the border areas, and the phenomenon of “truancy” and “reading of employment” occurred from time to time, which led to the failure of the incentive policies of basic education in Yunnan border areas to achieve the expected results.
作者 杨锦 刘国贤 YANG Jin;LIU Guoxian(Higher Education and Regional Development Institute, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan 650500)
出处 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2019年第1期38-42,共5页 Journal of Yuxi Normal University
关键词 龚自知 云南边疆教育 激励政策 Gong Zizhi Yunnan frontier education incentive policy main content implementation effect
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