

Design and Implementation of Public Security Portal System
摘要 为方便人民群众进行报警投诉建议以及企业消防信息、人员信息的上报,缓解各派出所民警处理的压力,提高办案的效率、实时性,提高公安在人民心目中的形象,在政策的允许下,设计了基于SpringBoot技术框架的便民民生服务系统。系统基于Thymeleaf模板的网页开发,SpringMVC的三层开发框架,MyBatis的数据库持久化层,Spring框架对于表现层、业务层、数据持久化层的整合完成了该系统的设计。实现了从移动端进行数据上传,当前服务定位、验证码校验、Https数据加密、Oauth2.0的认证授权,同时在网站架构上选取了RESTful的架构模式。 A convenient livelihood service system based on SpringBoot technology framework is designed in this paper.The web development based on Thymeleaf template,the three layer development framework of SpringMVC,the database persistence layer of MyBatis,and the integration of the Spring framework for the performance layer,the business layer and the data persistence layer have completed the design of the system.It implements data uploading from mobile terminals,current service location,verification code verification,Https data encryption,Oauth2.0 authentication and authorization.At the same time,this paper chooses the RESTful architecture mode on the website structure.
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2019年第1期124-125,共2页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 负载均衡 蓄水池算法 RESTFUL load balancing reservoir algorithm RESTful
  • 引文网络
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