

Energy Saving Mechanism with Offload Delay Aware in Cloudlet Enhanced Fi-Wi Access Network
摘要 边缘云增强光无线融合网络中,存在传统节能机制与卸载业务不匹配的问题。该文提出一种带有负载转移的光网络单元卸载协同休眠机制。通过分析当前光网络单元负载,结合无线域多跳传输时延和目标光网络单元的报告帧发送时刻,进而确定休眠和目的光网络单元完成负载转移。然后光网络单元协同考虑边缘服务器的回传数据到达时刻和无线域控制帧的发送时刻,选取最合适的休眠时长以减少控制开销。仿真结果表明,所提机制在有效降低网络能耗的同时能保证卸载业务的时延性能。 In cloudlet enhanced Fiber-Wireless(FiWi)access network,there is a problem that the traditional energy saving mechanism does not match the offload traffic.An offload collaboration sleep mechanism with load transfer is proposed.By analyzing the load of the optical network unit and combining the transmission delay of the multi-hop in the wireless domain and the sending time of the report frame of the target optical network unit,the proposed mechanism can determine the sleeping and the destination optical network unit to complete load transfer.Then,the optical network unit jointly considers the arrival time of the returned data of the edge severs and the sending time of the control frame in the wireless domain to select the optimal sleep duration and reduce the controlling overhead.Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively reduce the network energy consumption while ensuring the delay performance of offload traffic.
作者 邹虹 高毅爽 闫俊杰 ZOU Hong;GAO Yishuang;YAN Junjie(School of Telecommunication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China;Key Laboratory of Optical Communication and Network,Chongqing 400065,China)
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期394-401,共8页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(61771082) 重庆市高校创新团队建设计划(CXTDX201601020) 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN201800615)~~
关键词 光无线融合网络 移动边缘计算 节能 卸载协同休眠 Fiber-Wireless(FiWi)access network Mobile Edge Computing(MEC) Energy saving Offload cooperative sleeping
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