
《淮南子》环境伦理思想解析 被引量:1

On Thoughts of Environmental Ethics in Huainanzi
摘要 《淮南子》以老子"道"生万物思想为基础,以阴阳二气化生万物理论为依据,提出了"阴阳和合而万物生"的观点,将"阴阳相济"拓展到万物之"和"的层次,将天地之"道"展开,明细万物之"德",以此说明"修道理之数,因天地之自然"。《淮南子》继承了庄子"人亦物也,物无贵贱"的观念,进一步提出了"物之与物也,又何以相物也"的生态伦理观点,打破了主客体之间的界限。他提出的"物我同存,物我共生"的观点,强调了万物存在的不可替代性和重要性,使人与万物真正达到了精神层面的平等,力图实现人与万物的和谐共处。《淮南子》以"道法自然"为核心,将"人为"纳入"无为",指出了"无为者,道之体也"与"执后者,道之容也"的理念,以"无为者,道之宗"的超然态度,承认了人的主观能动性和创造性。只有"遵天之道""循天之理",真正做到无为而治,不因己之私欲对自然横加干预,才能实现人与自然和谐共处的美好未来。因此,《淮南子》还提出了生态保护措施,倡导人们合理开发利用自然资源,做到物尽其用,达到人与万物自然和谐的目标。《淮南子》的环保思想向我们揭示了人与自然和谐发展的可行性和必要性,为当代人类社会发展和生态文明建设提供了借鉴与启示。 Huainanzi put forward the thought of“Yin and Yang combined to produce all things”based on the Taoist theory and Yin and Yang of Lao Tzu.Huainanzi extended theuYin and Yangy to the level of"harmony"of all things,unfolded the“Tao”of heaven and earth and detailed the“Virtue”of all things,thereby explaining“the law of following the Tao and conforming to the nature of heaven and earth”Huainanzi inherited the notion of Chuang Tzu who proposed“Human beings should also be regarded as things and all things are equal without distinction”.He further proposed the ecological ethics view that“human beings are things,things are things,and relations between human beings and things should be equal,both of which are equally important”,breaking the boundaries between subject and object.It put forward the idea that human beings and things coexist,and human beings are symbiotic with things,emphasizing the irreplaceable and important existence of all things,making human beings and all things truly equal in the spiritual level,and trying to realize the harmonious coexistence of human beings and all things.Huainanzi took“Tao following the natural rules”as the core and incorporated“Man-made”into“Inaction”.It developed the concept that“Inaction is the essence of Tao”and“Follow the function of the Tao”.He admitted the subjective initiative and creativity with the detached attitude of“Inaction”.Only by“following the Tao of heaven”and“following the principle of heaven”can we truly achieve the goal of“doing nothing”for ourselves.We should not interfere with the nature through our own desires,so as to realize the bright future of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.Therefore,Huainanzi proposed the ecological protection measures and advocated the rational development and utilization of natural resources,so as to achieve the goal of natural harmony between man and nature.The environmental thought of Huainanzi revealed the feasibility and necessity of harmonious development between man and nature,and it provided reference and inspiration for the development of modern human society and the construction of ecological civilization.
作者 王宇祯 Wang Yuzhen
机构地区 安徽大学哲学系
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第4期27-33,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《淮南子》 阴阳相济 物无贵贱 道法自然 生态伦理 生态保护 Huainanzi Tao harmony of Yin and Yang equivalence of all things Tao following the law of nature ecological ethics ecological protection
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