
大数据视域下高职学生个性化学习研究 被引量:7

Research on Personalized Learning of Higher Vocational Students from the Perspective of Big Data
摘要 云计算、物联网、人工智能等新技术不断发展,深刻影响和改变了人们的学习行为,推动了人们学习方式、学习方法、学习手段的不断创新。基于大数据的个性化学习成为当代"数字教育"变革发展的新趋势,让学习真正回归"以人为本"教育本真。为解决当前职业教育发展改革面临的难题,创新高职人才培养新模式,基于教育大数据分析,全面了解高职学生学习特点,构建基于大数据技术的个性化学习模型,并提出个性化学习实施建议,为兄弟同类院校实施个性化学习提供参考。 New technologies such as cloud computing,Internet of Things,and artificial intelligence are constantly evolving.It has profoundly affected and changed people's learning behaviors.It has also promoted the continuous innovation of people's learning styles,learning methods,and learning means.Personalized learning based on big data has become a new trend in the development of contemporary"digital education".It makes learning truly return to the"people-oriented"education.In order to solve the problems faced by the current vocational education development reform,and to innovate the new model of higher vocational talents training,this paper,based on the analysis of educational big data,comprehensively understands the learning characteristics of higher vocation-al students and builds a personalized learning model based on big data technology.It also proposes suggestions of personalized learn-ing implementation to provide a reference for the implementation of personalized learning in the similar institutions.
作者 苏命峰 宁和南 SU Ming-feng;NING He-nan(Hunan Vocational College of Commerce,Changsha 410205,China)
出处 《天津职业大学学报》 2018年第6期80-84,共5页 Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institute
基金 湖南省教育科学"十三五"规划课题"大数据视野下基于云平台的高职计算机类专业个性化学习研究"(XJK17CZY061 主持人:苏命峰) 湖南省教育科学"十三五"规划课题"基于教育大数据动态学习分析的高职智慧课堂构建研究"(XJK016BZY022 主持人:赵敏之)的研究成果
关键词 个性化学习 大数据分析 在线学习 教学改革 personalized learning big data analysis online learning teaching reform
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