The site is located north of Lake Kawaguchi;its south-facing slope looks onto Mount Fuji with the lake lying in between them.Originally,this slope was used as a campsite where various elements such as grass fields and pine and cedar woods formed a mosaic-like landscape.The elevation difference between the highest and lowest points of the site is over fifty meters,excluding the reception area.As you ascend the slope,the magnificent view of the lake and Mount Fuji expands before you.Further up,you are able to see the dense grove of Matsuyasugi,a kind of Japanese cedar.The development of the configuration plan took advantage of these characteristics.The disparate beauty of these natural features birthed the concept of dividing the site largely into two zones(upper and lower),allowing visitors to go back and forth between them and experience the completely different kinds of enjoyment each of them offers.We hope that the functions of these two zones complement each other,giving the visitors a lasting vivid impression of their stay in each zone.
Landscape Architecture