
“经济社会人假说”与中国经济学构建 被引量:9

“Economic and Social Man Hypothesis” and Chinese Economic Construction
摘要 国内外的经济社会发展实践表明,无论是西方经济学提出的"经济人假说",还是马克思提出的"社会人假说",都存在一定缺陷与局限性,必须加以创新和发展。本文在吸收马克思的"社会人假说"和西方经济学的"经济人假说"合理成分的基础上,提出了一种新的经济学假说——"经济社会人假说",并认为该假说可以准确地描述和反映参与经济社会活动的大多数人的行为方式,因而可以将其作为构建中国经济学或中国特色社会主义政治经济学的核心假说和底层逻辑。本文提出的"经济社会人假说",不仅对于构建科学的中国经济学或中国特色社会主义政治经济学,而且对于设计合理的中国经济激励机制和制定合理的中国经济激励政策都具有重要的意义。 Economic and social devleopment practices at domestic and overseas demonstrate that,whether it is the “economic man hypothesis” proposed by western economics or the social man hypothesis put forward by Marx,there are some defects and limitations,which must be innovated and developed.On the basis of absorbing Marx’s social man hypothesis and the rational component of the economic man hypothesis of western economics,this paper proposes a new economic hypothesis-the economic and social man hypothesis,and believes that this hypothesis can accurately describe and reflect the behavior ways of participating economic activities,and thus it can be used as the core hypothesis and underlying logic for constructing Chinese economics or political economics with Chinese characteristics.The economic and social hypothesis proposed in this paper is of great significance not only for the construction of scientific Chinese economics or political economics with Chinese characteristics,but also for the design of a reasonable Chinese economic incentive mechanism and the formulation of a sound positive policy for the Chinese economy.
作者 冯根福 FENG Genfu(The School of Economics and Finance,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China)
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期1-6,共6页 Modern Economic Science
关键词 人的行为方式 经济人假说 社会人假说 经济社会人假说 中国经济学 Behaviors of human beings Economic man hypothesis Social man hypothesis Economic and social man hypothesis Chinese economics
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