
境外主流媒体关于菲律宾南海仲裁案裁决的报道情况调查研究 被引量:4

An Investigation and Examination of the Coverage on the South China Sea Arbitration Award of the Foreign Mainstream Media
摘要 [目的/意义]自菲律宾南海仲裁案仲裁庭发布最终裁决以来,裁决便成为境外主流媒体追踪报道的热点话题。查明外媒关于此案的报道情况,梳理其常用报道手法,厘清其在主要关注点上的认知,显然有助于我国进一步做好关于该案的外宣工作。[方法/过程]对2016年7月-2018年4月间外媒报道情况的调查研究发现,外媒密切关注仲裁缘起、仲裁进程和裁决内容等六个问题,惯用先声夺人、借题发挥和曲解或编造事实等六种报道手法。东南亚部分国家,特别是菲律宾主流媒体的报道受国际主流媒体和民族主义影响较深,对裁决的敏感度较高,倾向视中国对菲律宾援助和支持为缓兵之计,对杜特尔特搁置裁决、与华对话的政策多有批评。[结果/结论]外媒关于裁决的报道具有片面性、误导性,影响国际社会对裁决形成客观认知,严重削弱我国在南海问题上的国际话语表达。我国宜坚持"有理、有利、有节"的基本原则,采取必要和适当措施,加强该案的外宣工作,努力将裁决对我国的负面影响降到最低。 [Purpose/Significance]Since the South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal issued its final award,the award has become a hot issue closely covered by foreign mainstream media.It will contribute to our international publicity to conduct the following things:investigating into the coverage on the South China Sea Arbitration Award of the foreign mainstream media,identifying their perceptions of important points commonly seen,sorting out reporting techniques frequently used in their coverage.[Method/Process]From an investigation and examination of the coverage on the award of the foreign mainstream media between July 2016 and April 2018,this article draws the following conclusions.These media pay much attention to six points,such as cause of the case,process of the case,details of award,adopt six reporting techniques,such as"Amazing headlines","Distorting or fabricating facts","Making use of a subject as a pretext for one's drawn-out talk",etc.Certain ASEAN states,especially Philippine domestic media are seriously influenced by international mainstream media and nationalism mood,showing more reactive to this case.They are inclined to regard China's assistance and support to Philippines as stalling tactics,and impugn President Duterte's policy of setting aside verdict and turning to negotiate with China.[Result/Conclusion]That the foreign mainstream media hyping the case in a misleading and one-sided manner has a negative effect on international community's objective cognition of the case and gravely weakens China's international discourse expression.With adherence to the fundamental principles of"in struggle we should be on the side of justice,the struggle should be to our advantage,and we should handle the struggle with restraint",it is necessary to take essential and appropriate measures to promote international publicity and minimize negative effects on China.
作者 王看 Wang Kan(China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072;Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072)
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期112-118,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"南海非传统安全多边合作机制构建:可行性 现实困难与解决路径"(编号:2017QN001)研究成果之一
关键词 境外主流媒体 南海仲裁案 国际话语 foreign mainstream media the South China Sea Arbitration international discourse
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  • 1黎蜗藤.《溯本求源-菲律宾和西班牙最早发现和管治黄岩岛》,《黄岩岛历史略谈(2)》,2013年1月19日发布在http.//club.kdnet/dispbbs.asp?boardid=l&id=8930656.









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