
景观生态视域浙江省土地资源资产空间结构与审计分区 被引量:2

Spatial Structure and Audit Division of Land Resource Assets in Zhejiang Province from Perspective of Landscape Ecology
摘要 [目的]筛选省域土地资源资产领导干部离任审计区划,识别各市土地资源资产的地类管制优先级与侧重区块,以便提高中国土地资源资产审计效率,并完善国土审计的地理信息技术应用。[方法]基于土地景观格局视域,运用ENVI和ArcGIS将浙江市域2000,2005,2010,2015年4期遥感影像数据转换为网格分辨率为30mArcGrid数据格式,并运用Fragstats 3.3进行土地各地类破碎度和集中度指标计算,作为浙江省土地资源资产审计重点筛选依据。[结果](1)构建基于土地破碎度综合指数和集中度指数的土地资源资产地域审计重点筛选模型,侧重全域审视各辖区土地利用类型的数量与质量变化,能够揭示审计区域各地类土地资源资产的利用与保护情景及其变动趋势,印证了景观生态评价土地资源资产领导干部离任审计是行之有效的,有助于改善过去领导干部离任审计过程单纯衡量资产的数量而忽略对生态价值衡量的缺憾。(2)筛选出浙江省各市优势地类为杭州市的林地、草地、水域;湖州市的耕地和水域;嘉兴市的耕地和建设用地;金华市的耕地、草地、建设用地;丽水市的林地;宁波市的水域;衢州的林地和草地;绍兴市的耕地和建设用地;台州市的草地;温州市的草地;舟山市的建设用地。各市如上地类数量、质量的审计应是土地资源资产领导干部离任审计的关注重点。[结论]土地资源资产审计应注重将土地资源清查和现代地理信息技术有机结合,以提升国土审计的地域主体识别效率与审计结果的可视化解读。 [Objective]Screening of provincial land resources assets auditing divisions and identifying the land-control resource priorities in each city were conducted in order to improve the efficiency of auditing land assets in China,and to mprove the application of geographic information technology for homeland audit.[Methods]Based on the perspective of land landscape pattern,ENVI and ArcGIS were used to convert the four phases of remote sensing image data from 2000,2005,2010 and 2015 in Zhejiang Province to the grid resolution of 30 m ArcGrid data format.Also,Fragstats 3.3 was used to calculate the degree of fragmentation and concentration of the land,which is used as the key selection criteria for the audit of land resources in Zhejiang Province.[Results]①We have constructed an important regional geographic audit model for land resources assets based on the land fragmentation index and the concentration index.It focuses on a global review of the quantity and quality changes of land use types in each jurisdiction,and can reveal the use and protection scenarios of land-based resource assets across the audit area and variation trend.It confirms that the application of landscape ecological assessment to land resources assets leading cadres leaving audit are effective.It also helps to remedy the shortcomings of the past audits of leading cadres,which only simply measures the number of assets and ignore the measure of ecological value;②Dominant land types were empirically screened out in Zhejiang Province:woodland,grassland,and water areas in Hangzhou City;cultivated land and water areas in Huzhou City;cultivated land and construction land in Jiaxing City;cultivated land,grassland,construction land in Jinhua City;forest land in Lishui City;water areas in Ningbo City;forest land and grassland in Cangzhou City;cultivated land and construction land in Shaoxing City;grassland in Taizhou City;grassland in Wenzhou City;construction land in Zhoushan City.The audits of the quantity and quality of land types mentioned in various cities of Zhejiang Province should be the focus of the audit of the departure of leading cadres of land resources assets.[Conclusion]When auditing land resources assets,we should pay attention to the combination of land resource inventory and modern geographic information technology to enhance the visual interpretation of the recognition efficiency and audit results of regional subjects.
作者 候勃 马仁锋 金邑霞 张悦 赵一然 窦思敏 HOU Bo;MA Renfeng;JIN Yixia;ZHANG Yue;ZHAO Yiran;DOU Simin(Department of Geography&Spatial Information Techniques,Ningbo University,Ningbo,Zhejiang 315211,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期268-276,共9页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 浙江省社科规划基金重大项目"浙江省自然资源资产禀赋及审计重点项目"(16YSXK04ZD-1YB)
关键词 土地利用景观 土地资源 土地资源资产 领导干部离任审计 地域管制 land use landscape land resources land resources assets audit of leading cadre leaving area control
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