
我国农地制度改革实践的法治思考 被引量:22

Legal Considerations on the Rural Land Reform Practice in China
摘要 通过社会实地调研,获得事实依据和符合逻辑的制度运行线索,对破解新时代土地改革中农村社会矛盾与法治困境颇具意义。针对乡村调研中呈现的农民对农地改革的主要权利期待、土地承包经营权流转现状、"三权分置"的乡村认知与实践、宅基地使用权行使的改革需求、集体建设用地入市与征地制度运行等方面的难题,对农民关注的改善城乡差异的经济境况和确认、保障集体成员权进行法理分析,可以得出农村土地流转及"三权分置"的实践与相关立法、理论之间有一定距离,集体经营性建设用地入市的制度基础薄弱,农地征收制度残缺不全,宅基地闲置、浪费现象有增无减等结论。农地改革思路与实践对话的法治要求是:普及"三权分置"的政策意图,践行与释明其新制度设计;推进"三块地"改革的法治建设,借改革良机夯实其制度运行的基础。 Getting factual basis and logical clues of system operation through social empirical investigation and research is of great significance to solve the dilemma of rural society and rule of law in the new era of current land reform.By way of the rural survey,we can get information on the farmers′expectation of the rights of agricultural land reform,the current situation of the transfer of land contractual management rights,the recognition and practice of the"Separation of Three Rights",the reform demand of the exercise of the right to use residential land,the difficulties in the right to use the collective construction land and the land expropriation system,etc.By means of legal analysis,we can understand not only the improvement of the economic situation of the urban-rural differences,the confirmation and guarantee of the membership rights that farmers concern,but also the gap between the practice and legislation and theory of land circulation and"Separation of Three Rights",and thereupon draw the conclusions that the system foundation concerning the collective operating construction land entering the market is weak,the system of farmland expropriation is incomplete,the phenomenon of residence land idle and waste has increased.Consequently,it′s essential to call for the dialogue between ideas and practices with regard to the agricultural land reform,and the reform should focus on clarifying the policy intention of popularizing"Separation of Three Rights",implementing and explaining the new system design,promoting the legal logic of"Three Plots of Land"reform and thereafter consolidating the system foundation.
作者 陈小君 Chen Xiaojun
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期56-65,共10页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"新时代中国特色土地管理法律制度完善研究"(18ZDA151)
关键词 农地制度改革 实证调查 法治思考 reform of rural land system empirical investigation legal consideration
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