

Theoretical approach to realize wide-angle ultra-transparent optics
摘要 宽角度全透明光学界面的实现是提高复杂光学系统能量利用率和成像质量的关键.本文从麦克斯韦方程组和边界关系出发,推导光入射到各向异性介质时的菲涅耳公式,由此得到了光学界面上实现宽角度全透射的条件.在此基础上,理论设计了入射角在-85°~85°范围内实现全向透明的光学界面和器件.研究结果为实现光在不同介质间无损传播提供了一种新的理论思路. The implementation of wide-angle ultra-transparent optical interfaces is the key to improve the optical energy utilization efficiency and the imaging quality in complicated optical systems. In this work, the Fresnel formulas of the interface between the isotropic medium and the anisotropic medium are deduced from Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions, and the conditions of wide-angle total transmission on the optical interface are then obtained. On this basis, a new device with the ultra-transparency is proposed at a wide angle range of [-85°, 85°]. The results should provide a new theoretical approach for designing the novel optical devices with highly efficiency.
作者 刘志达 郭佳琦 田博扬 王兆娜 LIU Zhi-da;GUO Jia-qi;TIAN Bo-yang;WANG Zhao-na(Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《大学物理》 2019年第1期62-66,共5页 College Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11574033) 北京师范大学"本科生科研训练与创新创业"项目资助
关键词 菲涅耳公式 波阻抗匹配 全向透明 Fresnel formula impedance matching wide-angle transparency
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