

Ethical Reflections on the Phenomenon of "Blood Testing for Detection of Boy" with Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
摘要 无创产前DNA检测可应用于产前筛查与诊断领域,而不适当的应用则会引发一些社会或伦理学问题。本文从伦理学视角,分析该技术的应用现状、"滴血验子"现象的原因及其引发的相关出生人口性别比居高不下、妊娠堕胎率增加、知情同意选择和商业化等问题;提示该技术的发展和应用表现出与伦理、社会等错综复杂的关系。需要加强政府、社会、临床医生、患者自身对技术充分了解和正确管理,避免技术滥用和商业化操作,实现该技术在产前临床领域的合理应用。 Noninvasive prenatal testing is widely used in the field of prenatal screening,which inappropriate applications can lead to social and ethical problems.From the perspective of ethics,this paper analyzes the application status of the technology,the causes of"blood testing for detection of boy",the high sex ratio of birth population,the increase of pregnancy abortion rate,the informed consent and commercialization.The development and application of this technology shows complex ethical and social problems.The standardized application of noninvasive prenatal testing needs to have better understanding and management of the government,society,clinicians and patients on this technology and strengthen the proper use of this technology,avoiding abuse and commercialization.
作者 肖葛根 XIAO Ge-gen(School of Sociology and Population Studies,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《医学与哲学》 2019年第1期38-42,共5页 Medicine and Philosophy
关键词 “滴血验子” 无创产前DNA检测 伦理学 "blood testing for detection of boy" noninvasive prenatal testing ethics
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