

Patent analysis for calcium phosphate bone cements
摘要 背景:作为骨替代和填充材料,磷酸钙骨水泥在临床上有重要的应用价值,但仍有一定的缺点,使其应用范围受限,因此磷酸钙骨水泥的改性是研究热点,产业界及学术界需要了解全球专利状况。目的:分析磷酸钙骨水泥相关技术专利信息,有助于为中国磷酸钙骨水泥的技术发展及专利预警提供参考。方法:以Incopat数据库为数据来源,通过人工手工筛查磷酸钙骨水泥专利,以2 711个筛查出的密切相关专利为基础分析对象,从申请趋势、专利布局、竞争对手、技术功效4个方面进行分析,并结合技术发展重点和产业化发展情况,筛选出在中国布局的重点专利。结果与结论:美国在磷酸钙骨水泥领域处于专利布局领先地位,中国发展迅速;目前研发和专利布局重点仍为各种改性技术。虽然该领域部分基础专利已过期,但外国公司在中国布局了一些重要专利,中国企事业研发及产业化时仍需进行专利侵权风险排查,同时中国研发成果需要关注国际布局,以便为未来打开国际市场做出铺垫。 BACKGROUND: Calcium phosphate bone cement exhibits great commercial potential as bone filling materials in the field of clinical biomedical engineering;however, due to some existing technical and theoretical challenges, its wide spread application is hindered. It is therefore necessary to search existing patents to explore various potential improvements in modification of calcium phosphate bone cement. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the patent information of calcium phosphate bone cement for better understanding of the development of the calcium phosphate bone cement technology, and for early warning of patent infringement.METHODS: Based on the manual screening of Incopat patent database, we analyzed 2 711 patent documents from four aspects - the application trend, patent layout, competitor analysis, and efficacy matrix. In combination with technology development and industrialization, this paper also shows some important Chinese patents selectively. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The United States is in the leading position in the calcium phosphate bone cement field, while this technology is developing rapidly in China. Various components and methods are developed for modifying calcium phosphate bone cement, which are the focus of patent development and layout. Although some of the fundamental patents have expired, patent infringement risks need to be tested and mitigated for the development and industrialization by Chinese enterprises as there are some important patents in China arranged by foreign companies. At the same time, Chinese patent holders need to master international patent layout and develop their intellectual properties for the future international marketplace.
作者 张晓东 刘颖 Zhang Xiaodong;Liu Ying(School of Law, Intellectual Property Research Center, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;Library, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第14期2269-2278,共10页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
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