
脑膜瘤组织中相关分子标志物表达与预后的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between expression of related molecular markers and prognosis in meningioma tissues
摘要 为探讨脑膜瘤相关分子标志物(EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN)表达及其与脑膜瘤组织的病理级别、患者预后的关系,检测78例脑膜瘤患者病理组织及21例正常脑组织中EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN表达及蛋白相对表达量。分析其表达的相关性及与脑膜瘤组织病理级别、患者预后的关系。结果显示,脑膜瘤组织中EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN阳性表达率均高于正常脑组织,且与脑膜瘤病理分级呈正相关。脑膜瘤组织中EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN表达任意两者之间均呈正相关。脑膜瘤组织中EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN不同表达程度的患者5年复发率存在差异。结果提示,脑膜瘤相关分子标志物EphA2、VE-cadherin、PN在脑膜瘤患者中表达率均较高,且与脑膜瘤患者预后存在关联。 To study the relationship between the expressions of molecular markers, erythropoietin-producing hepatocellular receptor A2 (EphA2), vascular endothelial cadherin(VE-cadherin), Periostin(PN) and the pathological grade and prognosis, 78 patients with meningioma and normalbrain tissue were used to detect the expressions of EphA2, VE-cadherin and PN. The correlation between the expression of EphA2, VE-cadherin and PN in meningioma and the relationship with the pathological grade and prognosis of meningiomas were analyzed. The results showed that the positive expression rates of EphA2, VE-cadherin, and PN were higher in meningiomas than in normal brain tissues, and were positively correlated with the pathological grade of meningiomas. The five-year recurrence rate of patients with different expression levels of EphA2, VE-cadherin, and PN in meningioma was different. The results suggest that the positive expression rate of EphA2, VE-cadherin and PN was higher in meningioma tissues and are associated with the prognosis of meningiomas.
作者 董家志 黄德尧 黄玉德 DONG Jiazhi;HUANG Deyao;HUANG Yude(Department of Neurosurgery,Guangyuan Second People’s Hospital,Guangyuan 628017,Sichuan,China)
出处 《中南医学科学杂志》 CAS 2019年第1期25-29,共5页 Medical Science Journal of Central South China
关键词 脑膜瘤 上皮细胞激酶 管上皮钙黏附素 骨膜蛋白 预后 meningioma EphA2 VE-cadherin PN prognosis
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