

China-Germany Industrial Cooperation in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative——An Analysis Focusing on Shandong Province
摘要 "德国技术"与"中国制造"强强联合,共同打造全球"智造"新高地是当前经济发展决策者和理论工作者的共同期盼,但其实现路径正在探索中。山东省是我国经济发展的一个缩影,也是我国对德产业合作的典型样本。以山东为例,剖析对德合作的产业选择及其实现策略具有代表性。在实践中,对德产业合作应当在充分考虑德国优势产业、我国及山东产业发展重点和未来增长潜力的基础上,着力提升利用德国投资的质量,高度重视德国投资"溢出效应"。通过对山东产业梯度系数、产业关联系数的计量分析,发现未来山东与德国产业对接应坚持"突出重点、蓄势未来"的原则,既要强化山东对德产业对接的重点合作领域,又要积极培育潜力领域。从德国投资中国的规律看,德国企业进行投资区位选择具有一定的特殊性,在东道国的先行德资企业的集聚程度、营商环境的塑造、人力资本发展程度和区域科技水平对吸引新的德国企业投资进入具有非常重要的作用。为此,在"一带一路"背景下山东与德国产业对接应当重视产业链的构建、投资平台的建设和外部环境的塑造。 At present,economic decision-makers and theorists predict that the robust alliance of“German technology”and“made in China”will reach new global heights through the development of intelligent manufacturing.However,the path to the realization of this prediction is still being explored.Shandong is a microcosm of China’s economic development and China-Germany cooperation,so the province can be analyzed as a representative example of the industrial choices and implementation strategies of this cooperation.In practice,China-Germany industrial cooperation should take into account industries where Germany has an advantage and the industrial development priorities and future growth potential of China and Shandong.We should thus focus on raising the quality of German investment and attending to its spill-over effects.The findings of a quantitative analysis of Shandong’s industrial gradient coefficient and industrial correlation show that the future alignment of German and Shandong industry should adhere to the principle of“emphasizing key points and storing up resources for the future.”For this reason,we should not only strengthen the key fields of Shandong’s industrial alignment with Germany,but also actively cultivate areas with potential.Research on the pattern of German investment in China indicates that German companies’choice of investment location has certain distinctive features.The factors that matter most in attracting German investment are the concentration of German first-comer enterprises in the host country,the shape of the business environment and the level of human capital and regional science and technology.For this reason,against the background of the Belt and Road Initiative,Shandong’s alignment with German industry should focus on building industry chains,constructing investment platforms and shaping the external environment.
作者 张述存 顾春太 曲云英 Zhang Shucun;Gu Chuntai;Qu Yunying
出处 《Social Sciences in China》 2019年第1期148-170,共23页 中国社会科学(英文版)
基金 funded by the National Social Science Fund of China as part of the research program "The Impact on International Capital Flows of New Trends in Dispersed Production in Transnational Corporations:Ways of Handling It"(13BGJ035)
关键词 一带一路倡议 产业对接 路径 Belt and Road Initiative industrial alignment pathway
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