
储蓄和消费的选择——消费指向主体和产品地位属性对自我建构的影响 被引量:1

Choice of Saving and Consumption:the Influence of Consumption:Orientation Subject and Product Status Attribute on Self-construction
摘要 从心理倾向和心理需要角度出发,运用消费者行为实验,探究消费指向主体和产品地位属性对不同自我建构储蓄与消费选择的交互影响。结果发现,自我建构对储蓄与消费选择的影响取决于个体聚焦于心理倾向还是心理需要,当产品不能体现地位时,心理倾向主导了自我建构对储蓄与消费的选择,独立自我更重视自己,从而更愿意为自己消费;相依自我更重视他人,从而更愿意为他人消费;当产品体现地位时,心理需要在决策中起主要作用,由于相依自我比独立自我更看重地位提升,为自己购买地位产品时,相依自我比独立自我更倾向于消费,"地位提升感知"起到中介作用;为他人购买地位产品时,不管是相依自我,还是独立自我都感受不到他人拥有地位产品给自己带来的地位提升,储蓄与消费的选择也没有显著差异。 This article studies the effect of self-construal on the choice of saving and spending from the perspectives of the psychological propensities and psychological needs when product status and purchase recipient interact by the consumer behavior experiments.The results show that the effects depend on whether propensities or needs are focal to consumers:In the case of non-status products,the primary influence is the psychological propensities of self-construal on the choice of saving and spending,which resulted in that the independent self-construal values themselves more than the interdependent self-construal so that they will pay more when consuming for themselves,and the interdependent self-construal values others more than independent self-construal so that they will pay more when consuming for others.In the case of products associated with status,the primary influence is the consumers′psychological needs of self-construal on the choice of saving and spending,which resulted in that the interdependent self-construal values the social status more than independent self-construal so that they will pay more for themselves when consuming goods associated with status.The sense of improving status mediated the effect of self-construal on the saving and spending for themselves when purchasing products associated with status.When purchasing non-status objects for others,the choice of saving and spending between the independent and the interdependent are no statistically significant difference because both of them cannot perceive the improving status.
作者 曾世强 吕巍 ZENG Shiqiang;LYU Wei(School of Economics & Management,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,China;Antai College of Economics&Management,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030,China)
出处 《上海管理科学》 2019年第1期44-52,共9页 Shanghai Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"储蓄和消费的选择:自我构建对动态自我控制过程的影响"(71072058) 上海市高校青年教师培养计划资助项目(ZZZZyyx16017)
关键词 自我建构 消费指向主体 产品地位属性 储蓄与消费选择 self-construal purchase recipient product association with status choice of saving and spending
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