上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院左小磊研究组开发了一种基于“分子穿越”原理的便携式电化学生物传感器件,解决了一步反应完成疾病靶标分析的关键技术问题。该研究成果以“Molecular threading-dependent mass transport in paper origami for single-step electrochemical DNA sensors”为题于2018年12月在线发表于国际著名学术期刊Nano Letters。博士研究生叶德楷是论文的第一作者,左小磊研究员和于京华教授是论文的共同通信作者。上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院分子医学研究院和济南大学是论文的共同通信单位。
Molecular transport controls the efficiency of complex biological network systems such as cellular signaling system and cascade biomedical reaction.However,device fabrication for molecular sensing is often restricted by a low transport effciency and complicated processing.Here,we report a molecular threading dependent transport system using three-dimensional(3D)paper origami enabling the directional transport of biomolecules.We demonstrate that framework nucleic acid based interface engineering allows orthogonal molecular recognition and enzymatic reaction with programmed order on site.We thus develop a single-step electrochemical DNA sensor for quantitative analysis with 1 picomolar sensitivity within 60 min.Our sensor can discriminate a mismatched target at the level of a single base mismatch.Our study shows a great potential toward the development of a biomimetic molecular transport system for point-of-care and precision diagnosis.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science