In 1908, Zhang Taiyan published his book of "Research on Laws in Five Dynasties", which appears to be his exploration on laws in Five Dynasties, while in fact it was his way to criticize the law reformation in Qing Dynasty. In the book, he pointed out that laws should be connected with Chinese history, so as to match people s life. In addition, he also stressed that the protection of people s right should be taken into consideration in the process of law-making. As a matter of fact, law features in Five Dynasties, such as "equality between officials and common people","compassion towards the weak", etc. are supposed to win respect from modern people for reference. During his years, Zhang Taiyan worried about capital expansion in China with the involvement of global capitalist economic system. Under the name of establishing a new policy and developing industry and commerce, vast majority of common people would suffer from new forms of oppression and exploitation. For this reason, he praised in his book the law feature of "restraining the rich" in Five Dynasties. Therefore, the root of his idea in the book was to satirize the present through past records.
WANG Rui(Department of History,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Zhang Taiyan
"Research on Laws in Five Dynasties"
rule by law
social equality