
The Defamiliar Narrative in A Rose for Emily

The Defamiliar Narrative in A Rose for Emily
摘要 William Faulkner's novel A Rose for Emily tells the tragedy of an old virgin in the old South.The reader's confusion is often dismissed by the fact that it reverses the chaotic timing and transliteration of personal pronouns.Once readers understand that story,they feel an unprecedented shock.Therefore,this work well achieved the"unfamiliar"artistic effect."Defamiliarization"was put forward by the Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky.He advocated the purpose of art is to extend the reader's perception process.This article analyzes the"defamiliarization"effect of this narrative from the perspective of Russian formalism with a view to providing more insights into understanding this work. William Faulkner's novel A Rose for Emily tells the tragedy of an old virgin in the old South.The reader's confusion is often dismissed by the fact that it reverses the chaotic timing and transliteration of personal pronouns.Once readers understand that story,they feel an unprecedented shock.Therefore,this work well achieved the"unfamiliar"artistic effect."Defamiliarization"was put forward by the Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky.He advocated the purpose of art is to extend the reader's perception process.This article analyzes the"defamiliarization"effect of this narrative from the perspective of Russian formalism with a view to providing more insights into understanding this work.
作者 刘怡欣 LIU Yi-xin
出处 《海外英语》 2019年第2期194-195,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 A ROSE for EMILY WILLIAM FAULKNER DEFAMILIARIZATION NARRATIVE perspective A Rose for Emily William Faulkner Defamiliarization Narrative perspective
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