
不忠实何以言翻译——就新作《翻译之魂》与翻译质量对高查清教授的访谈 被引量:1

How Can Translation Be Achieved without Faithfulness:An Interview to Prof. Gao Chaqing on His New Work Soul of Translation & Translation Quality
摘要 针对一段时期以来我国翻译质量尤其是学术翻译质量滑坡的情况,在高查清教授新书《翻译之魂——译者忠实观纵论》出版之际,对他进行了一次在线访谈。高查清教授分析认为,当前翻译质量不高,除译者客观能力不足之外,从西方翻译理论界传入的一些歪理邪说对译者翻译思想潜移默化的误导和影响,也是导致翻译质量雪上加霜的重要原因。他指出,忠实乃翻译的本然要求,是翻译之魂,离开了忠实,翻译将不成其为翻译。他呼吁学界应该正本清源,返璞归真,教育、引导译者牢固树立忠实翻译思想,同时应该加强对翻译的批评和监督,多管齐下,根本扭转翻译质量的低迷现状,促进翻译事业健康发展。 Concerning the fact that the quality of translation,especially of academic translation,has been declining seriously in China for a rather long time,I took the opportunity to have an interview with Professor Gao Chaqing at the publication of his new book The Soul of Translation:on the Translator's Faithfulness.Based on the analysis of the causes of the poor translation quality,Porf.Gao believes that apart from the deficiency of the translator's objective ability,the spread of some absurd fallacies of the western translation theories,together with their imperceptible misleading effect and influence on the translator's thoughts is also the important causes for making the poor translation quality to worse.He insists that faithfulness is both the natural requirement and the soul of translation,without which translation would be nothing.He appeals to that the academics to radically rectify the situation and get back to the basics,educating and guiding the translators to firmly establish the thought of faithfulness in translating,and at the same time criticism and supervision should be strengthened to the translation,so as to radically change the depressed status quo of translation quality and promote the healthy development of the translation cause with multi-pronged approach.
作者 高查清 夏军 GAO Chaqing;XIA Jun(Departmant of Arts and Sciences,Anhui Communications Vocational and Technical College,Hefei 230051,Anhui;Foreign Language School,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,Hubei)
出处 《攀枝花学院学报》 2019年第1期88-93,共6页 Journal of Panzhihua University
基金 湖北省教育科学规划一般课题"晚清官办外译学堂外语教育研究及当代价值"(2018GB017) 安徽省教育厅人文社科重点项目"翻译生态环境下中国典籍<孙子兵法>中外交委婉语的英译研究"(SK2018A0841) 安徽省教育厅人文社科重点项目"对话理论下的语言类MOOCs混合学习模式研究"(SK2015A604) 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目"诠释学视域下理雅阁<易经>译本的特征与影响"(AHSKY2018D102) 安徽省职业与成人教育学会重点项目"后Mooc时代高职公共基础课‘混合学习’模式研究"(azjxh17014) 安徽交通职业技术学院质量工程项目"语法-翻译法在高职公共英语教学中的适用性研究"(2016AJ37)
关键词 翻译质量 误译 本质 正本清源 translation quality mistranslation nature getting back to the basics
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