
马克思资本起源理论与我国农村改革方向——韦伯中国命题的马克思解 被引量:3

An Answer from Marxist Economics to Weber's Hypothesis about China A Concurrent Discussion of the Direction of Rural Reform in China
摘要 马克思资本主义起源理论指出,资本诞生是资本主义的逻辑起点,而资本诞生的条件有两个:一是劳动力变成商品,及雇佣劳动制度的产生,或者叫做劳动力市场的形成;二是有待"孵化"成资本的货币数量必须达到一定的量。中国的中央集权制封建社会形成的"地主经济"导致中国不具有产生劳动力商品的条件。这是韦伯中国问题的马克思解。这个马克思解,不但解决了一个重大的理论难题,而且有重要的现实意义。这说明,中国现在仍然不具备产生完全意义的"劳动力商品"条件,这是导致中国进入"新常态",走入"新时代"的重要原因。中国只能走中国特色社会主义道路,振兴中国乡村经济的道路,只能在坚持农村集体所有制前提下,进行农村就地工业化和城镇化,因地制宜地实行各种形式的农工商一体化经营模式。 Weber’s hypothesis about China is that why the capitalist mode of production did not emerge first in an oriental country like China,and Weber’s answer is that China’s Taoism and Confucianism lack the ethics that Protestantism possesses. Weber’s answer stirred up much controversy,and the success of capitalism in East Asian countries,which belong to the sphere of Chinese culture,has proved its falseness. No consensus has been reached although Chinese scholars have made extensive discussions on the hypothesis. This paper attempts to give an answer to Weber’s hypothesis by adopting the Marxist theory of the origin of capital. The answer lies in the fact that the landlord economy in the feudal centralism of China caused the lack of necessary conditions in which labor commodity was produced. The answer from Marxist theory does not only solve a critical theoretical puzzle,but also create vital practical significance. The answer shows that China still does not have the necessary conditions in which complete labor commodity can be produced. And that is also an important reason why China has entered a new normal and new era. China can only take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the path of revitalizing the rural economy. China’s rural industrialization and urbanization should be developed locally only under the premise of sticking to the system of rural collective ownership,and adopt management modes of various types of integration of agriculture,industry and business according to local factor endowments.
作者 杨继国 骆革新 YANG Ji-guo;LUO Ge-xin(School of Economics,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期48-55,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 福建省社科规划重大项目"习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想的理论创新研究"(FJ2018MGCZ008)
关键词 韦伯中国命题 马克思解 劳动力商品 农村改革方向 集体所有制 Weber's hypothesis about China answer from Marxist theory labor commodity direction of rural reform collective ownership
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