
承包地退出规则之反思与重构——以《农村土地承包法》修改为中心 被引量:16

Reflection and Reconstruction of Quitting to Contracted Land——Based on the Amendment to the Rural Land Contract Law
摘要 农地"三权分置"视阈下,土地经营权的有序流转和土地承包权的有效退出是缓解农村人地矛盾、促进农地适度规模经营的两种不同思路。鉴于土地经营权流转机制尚未形成且功能有限,形塑承包地退出机制确有必要。土地承包权是兼具财产和身份要素并承载社会保障功能的复合型权利,由此决定承包地退出必须慎重对待。在立法体例上,应坚持土地承包权退出事由法定原则,同时厘定承包地收回"原则禁止与例外允许"二元模式,不允许当事人自由约定收回事由。在立法内容上,完善自愿交回和依法收回规则,承包地自愿交回在法权关系应表达为土地承包权的抛弃或转让,抛弃土地承包权须以丧失集体成员资格为前提,土地承包权转让给发包方以不超过剩余承包期限为原则,不影响农户成员资格和再承包权,应成为主要退出方式。"依法收回"可分为身份性收回和非身份性收回,身份性收回包括因户口迁移引起的收回和因承包方全家消亡绝户而收回,非身份性收回又分为因承包地灭失、承包地被征收而收回。为保障土地承包关系"大稳定、小调整"的格局,构建承包地退出制度的法定事由和程序具有重要意义。 In the view of Three Rights Division,the orderly circulation of land management right and the effective withdrawal of right to land contractual management are two different ways of alleviating the contradiction between rural people and land,and promoting the moderate operation of farmland.Considering the immaturity and limited function of the transfer mechanism of land management right,it's essential to construct the corresponding exit mechanism.Since the land contract right is a compound right featured by property,identity and social security function,its exit mechanism should be prudently constructed.In legislative style,it's obligatory to adhere to the statutory principle of quitting the land contract right and clarify the binary mode of"principle prohibition and exception permission"for regain of contracted land,which prohibits the parties'free behavior by agreement.In terms of legislation contents,it is necessary to improve the types and procedures of voluntary return and regain according to laws.Firstly,returning the contracted land is legally exposited as the contractor abandoning or transferring its right.More precisely,the abandoning is based on the premise of the contractor losing its identity of collective member and the transferring is restrained within the contract period.These two ways are supposed to be the major ways of return.Secondly,there are two legal interpretations for"regain according to law",identity regain and non-identity regain.More precisely,reasons for identity regain include household registration transfer and death of the contractor's family;reasons for non-identity regain include the contracted land left unused,destroyed or expropriated.To guarantee the pattern of"big stability and small adjustment"in land contractual relationship,it is of vital importance to build legal system and procedures of quitting the contracted land.
作者 刘平 LIU Ping
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期153-162,170,共11页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国法学会2018年度部级一般课题"农村集体经济组织立法研究"(CLS2018C15)
关键词 三权分置 土地承包权消灭 承包地收回 承包地交回 Three Rights Division reduction of right to land contract management resumption of contracted land return of contracted land
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